Hello Old Friend

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The next day, Tord and Tom had met up and walked back to school together. The whole day, they couldn't even get far away from each other.

It was up until Lunchtime when everything started to change. It had started when they both went to the same tree as usual when Tord's phone rung. A message from his friend in Norway, Alen.

Hey Tord! I have good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear?

Tord pauses at the message. Then he types his response.

Bad news first

The bad news is that I broke up with my girlfriend. My guy, I'm bisexual. Coming out to you here to make it less uneasy. Good news...im coming to England BITCHHH

Woah. When?

By Next week. Probably on Monday. You have no idea how excited I am to be there with you

Was it strange that Allen was making Tord feel strange. Sure, he didn't mind his friend being Bisexual, but if he came to England and somehow fell for Tom...

No. He won't let it happen.

Thats nice. Listen I'll text you later. I'm sort of busy right now.

Alright you drittsekk

Tord rolled his eyes and shut his phone off. Alen was an asshole, but a sweet one.

"What happened?"

Tord looked over at Tom, who was confused at Tord. He had seen his facial expressions throught the conversation.

"Its my old friend, Alen. He says that he'll be here by next Monday. He might even attend this school by then."

"New faces is always something refreshing to see you know. I know everyone here like the palm of my hand and it's quite frustrating. I want to meet Alen once he arrives."

That same gut feeling had settled back down inside Tord's stomach.

"Yeah...I'll introduce you to him once he settles in."

Tom smiled and went back down to his notebook. He was probably writing another letter, Tord didn't notice. He was too caught up in his imagination. An imagination where Alen takes Tom away riding on a horse to the sunset and Tord as a random peasant, watching with tears from a distance.

'What the hell are you thinking you blithering Twat of an idiot? Tom and Alen will just be friends. That's all...right?'

"Tord. Tord. Hey. Red kid. Old Red Man. Crooked Man. Gramps."

Tom was poking Tord's right cheek with his blue pen, where multiple dots were being drawn. Almost like a bright blue constellation.

Tord finally came back to reality and turned around only to be poked on his nose.

"Akk!! I'm sorry Tord. Here, let me help you."

He went through his bag and pulled out a tissue which he used his water bottle to have it have a dab of it filled with water. He started to go over the cheek, some of the ink vanishing off the skin of the Norwegian.

A red shade had painted over their faces and eventually, the British one reached the nose and smiled, looking straight into Tord's grey eyes.

'If this is how I die, I'll be glad...'

"All done. Though, some of it is still on your skin, if that's alright with you."

"No. I mean-yes. It's fine."

He nodded at the Red male and went back to his notebook. Tord still had his unusual feeling, but it had settled down a little better.


"I suppose that Tord knows that you'll be in England on Monday, correct?"

May, the mother of Allen. She was a strict, british women with rules set down for Allen to follow. It isn't unusual for her to question him for anything related to Tord. They had known for quite a while already.

"Yes mother. He knows."

"Good. I need you to start packing up. Tomorrow, your flight will be here at around 11 in the morning. We need to be at the airport beforehand."

"At around what time mother?"

"10:35. It'll be plenty of time to get a few things checked out, that way we can see if we're missing anything."

"Of course mother."

Allen silently walked over to his bedroom and pulled out an old suitcase that belonged to his dead father, Harrison Jr. It was a dark blue bag that had his father's initials, H.M.J.

He proceeded to place clothes inside the bag and eventually go back downstairs. It was very quiet. He was a very rich male but didn't like luxury all too much.

He always felt closed in a bird cage, with nowhere to escape except when he is at school and when it was only him and Tord.

At least he'll see him again in England soon. He sighed.

"Hello Old friend..."


It was After-school and Tom and Tord were having a nice conversation between the two. Tord didn't bother with mentioning Allen again. It was a bothersome topic.

"Tord, when Allen arrives, do you believe that he might find England strange? Or even perhaps...me?"

Tord mentally groaned and rolled his eyes. Once again, Allen had came back up.

"He won't. That kid is as rich as a damn steamboat from the 90's. Or even an antique artifact from the Titanic. He travels alot and he has told me that he has came here."

"I'm astonished. He's quite lucky to be able to travel around the globe. Does he do it regularly?"

"Um...yeah. He does travel almost every week. The least was about 13 times in a month."

Tom's eyes bulged out in surprise and covered his mouth. Tord just looked away in annoyance. He didn't want all of this attention on his friend. He hasn't even arrived yet. What would it be like when he did?


Occasionally, new people was something normal for me. I was constantly moving while my friend stayed back sometimes. Moving here though, has changed me alot more. All because of him.

Dear _______, [TomTord]Where stories live. Discover now