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After-school. It had arrived after the dreadfully long day of being lectured lessons that seemed as though they were just there to exist and rot your brain.

We're looking at you Trigonometry.

Tom had walked off, trying to get to his destination. It was the same park from years back. The same park where he met Edd. The same park that Edd died in as well. It wasn't comforting going there but at least he was trying to remind himself that Edd was gone.


He was only a few blocks away when his phone ringed. He answered without looking at the ID.


"Thomas? Where are you? I haven't seen you and I know school already finished."

"I'm going to the park. I am meeting up with someone."

"With who?"

"A friend from school."

"Fine. But I want you home soon. And be safe. Got it."

"Got it. Bye mom."

He ended the call and looked up. He had reached his destination. He sat down on a nearby bench and opened his blue journal and grabbed his smooth pen.

Dear Edward,
           Hey. I'm here. At the park. At your park. Our park. I'm wondering of how our lives would be with you here still. It would probably be fun...much more fun then what it is now. I'm really sorry I couldn't keep our secret any longer from Matthew. It's Red's fault. He snitched on me by going through my personal things. I'm sorry...please help me...

He went through the notebook and saw how their was a folded yellow tulip, with bad coloring and a small signature on the corner of it. It was from Edd and Matt when they were kids.

Tom had felt sad on a random day and the other two felt the need to cheer him up. They both made Tom's day.

He opened the tulip and inside it was written

Smile friend. We are here for you you pineapple pufferfish

He smiled and felt the tears fall down his cheeks. Many memories he wanted to just bury at the back of his head, but it was deemed impossible for the poor boy.


Tom. I'm glad that I found you here..."

The accent. It had returned like a plague. Tom just kept on staring at the pages. The horned shadow was something he wished was just vanished away.

"Tom. Please hear me out."

"What is there for you to even explain. You went through my things without my permission. And I thought you were someone that I could trust."

The Red males arms clasped around Tom's whole chest. He was being hugged by him.

"I really am sorry...but I want to help you get over this...please just let me in..."

Tom shook his head and shoved them off of his body.

"I don't need to hear your sorry excuses right now. If you'd just kindly fuck off."

"Please just hear me out. I was curious ok? I wasn't thinking and when I saw my chance, I took it. I truly didn't think in the comsequences. And I'm sorry for that. Just let me help you...let go."

Dear _______, [TomTord]Where stories live. Discover now