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Tom had stayed at home and waited for his mother to return. He did his homework, he called Matthew just to catch up on life, and he also baked a few brownies.

But yet she hasn't returned.

It was already around 5 in the afternoon, practically two hours after school. There was a knock at his door.

"Thats strange..."

He went over and opened the door to find Tord, hand in mid-air about to knock again.

"Oh! Hello Thomas. I was wondering if I could stay here with you right now. I don't want to be home right now."

Tom raised an eyebrow but let the male inside. He shut the door and looked over to Tord, getting comfortable onto the couch.

"What's going on at home?"

"Just...I just don't feel like being there. That's all. Is it bad that I want to spend time with you?"

Tord flashed a smile in which Tom went to a dead pan stare and sighed.

"I got weed brownies. Want some?"

"Weed brownies?? Since when did you make them?"

"Since never. I just want you to try them, that's all."

He chuckled but gladly tried the brownies.

"They taste nicely. What did you add in it?"

"Nutella and some Hershey bars inside. It's the reason why they're so gooey. The powder on top? That's cocaine."

Tord choked and coughed on the brownie, while Tom was wheezing In the background. A tear escaped from his eye, in which he cleaned it.

"Kidding you big idiot."

"Don't ever do that again."

Tom agreed and grabbed a brownie himself, with a cup of juice to accompany his dessert.

"Soo, where's your mom? I thought she'd be here?"

"Why? You want to ask her on a hot date or something? Become my new Stepdad?"

Tord flushed in embarrassment.

"No! I just thought that she would already be here since it's already like 5 in the afternoon. Also, that'd be weird. I don't even want to think about the idea of being your dad."

Tom shrugged and went to the livingroom, turning on the television and switching to the animation channel. On the screen, an episode from 'One Punch Man' was airing and it seemed already halfway through the episode.

Tord sat there looking at the floor wondering when he would confess to Thomas.

Today? Tomorrow? Never? I mean, if he never does then Allen would take his chance and-

Fucking asshole. He wasn't supposed to fall for Tom and yet he did. Fucking cunt. If there were a solution that would be easy enough to do, Tord would take it in an instant.

"Tord. I want to ask you something."

Tom grabbed the control remote and paused the Television, letting the eery silence fill in the vacant room.

"Sure. What's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if...

I was wondering if you had any hate towards Allen? I mean you seem somehow pissed off whenever he's around. I just want to know why."

Fucking hell.

"No. I was just not feeling well. Sorry that I went off on him earlier. I just didn't wake up on the right side of the bed today."

Tom raised an eyebrow almost in doubt but smiled instead and ruffled the Red males hair. Tord simply smiled and leaned into the touch.

"Its alright. I'm just worried for my friends you know."

Tord winced. That one word was a stab in the heart. How he wished to change that word into another something nicer. Something alot more loving.

"Th-thanks good friend."

Tom didn't show it, but the pain was there.

"No problem friend. It's what I do best."

The eery silence returned and both people wanted to hide in a corner or dig a hole and just die. It'd be better for Thomas mostly.

"Hey, I'm sorry for not telling you sooner but..."

Tord perked and looked into the two dark orbs he fell for. Should he?


"Um, I wanted to tell you that I have feelings for someone."

Tom perked up and smiled. The news seemed interesting to the damned boy.

"Who is it Red? You have to tell me!"

"Woah! Easy Tom. I honestly think that you should...figure it out."

Tom narrowed his eyes and launched a pillow at Tord.

"I need to know. Come on. I'll be able to help you get with them."

'And then perhaps you can help me back.'

"I can give you hints. Like the first hint is that it's someone with brown hair."

Tom raised an eyebrow and dropped his lips to a thin line.

"Geez. Thanks alot for the hint. That dropped down from the whole school to the whole school."

"Not everyone has brown hair. And besides, it'll be fun to see you struggle around."

Tom rolled his eyes and chuckled, not that the other could even see.

"Fine. Though, I just want to know the gender."

"Pffft. You don't deserve to know yet, you have to wait until tomorrow."

Tom grunted and made himself into a ball with a pillow in between his legs and chest.

"You're no fun."

Tord went over and ruffled Tom's hair and went over to the kitchen to grab another brownie. The thought to confess to Thomas this way could be fun but it might just make him lie throughout the way.

He didn't want to lie to the small British male but if he got too close, he'd start to panic. And a panicking Tord can finish off with a dead person. Not beautiful.

Maybe his Confession won't be ready for a while...


Now this me, the actual Author hi.

I wanted to have the Confession partake in a little game that I want to present as "Play Along"

Now some of this will have some things inspired from my life in Middle school a few years didn't end well and a few lies were tossed around.

I just wanted to clear that up so that if it looks fucking idiotic, blame my memory/past self and past others who did the action :v

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