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It was the next day, Saturday. Today was the day that Allen was to arrive. He was ready and waiting at the airport. It was around 10:40 in the morning, and Allen and May were at their corresponding seats, waiting for the announcement of their flight.

The Norwegian kid looked around to see random strangers walking around, in a hurry, or meeting those who just got off the plane.

He sighed knowing he would never have that again in his life. He tried to acknowledge his mother but was interrupted by the intercom.

"Flight 57 is at the 5th entrance. Please make way before 11. Thank you."

The message then repeated in Norwegian and so forth. He didn't bother with his mom and grabbed his baggage and followed May to the gate.

This was going to be one hell of a ride.


Tom had called Matt about his whereabouts. He hadn't been able to be with him in a while.

"I'm gonna be going to a match underground today and I'm not sure when I'm coming back since I'll be going to my girlfriends house after that."

"Really? I'm going to be so bored today."

Tom flopped on his bed. It was around 9:55 in the morning and the black eyed male was trying to plan out his day. However, his old friend was having others.

"Too bad. Why don't you ask Tord to hang out? Isn't he like your new boyfriend?"

"He is not my boyfriend. He's just a friend. Besides, he wouldn't like me like that."

"Please tell me another joke. He obviously cares about you."

"But as a friend. He doesn't see me in that light. But, I'll see if I can spend the day with him."

"Good. And if he does agree, have fun. If something goes south, call me then call your mom. Got it?"

"Got it Pops."

He giggles and ends the call. But before be is able to call Tord, his mom calls him downstairs. He sighs and jogs downstairs to see his mother preparing breakfast. Blueberry pancakes, his favorite.


"Good morning mum."

"Good morning my little angel. How was your sleep?"

"It was great I guess. Why are you so happy today? What happened?"

"Its just that I have a very strong feeling that today is going to be just fine."

Tom smiled. He loved seeing his mother smile on any day at any moment of the time. It pushed him to go forward in life...somehow.

He sat down and began to dig into his breakfast, hoping for the best for today. After all, it's barely Saturday.


"Please take your seat belts off and get down from the plane carefully. Secure your bags as well. Thank you."

Dear _______, [TomTord]Where stories live. Discover now