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Chapter 1:

"Lets break up."

Those words came out from YoungK's mouth made Seungmin dumbfounded as he look down and up to the older. The younger didn't expect this.

"W-What? W-why?" Seungmin asked with a shaking voice, quickly letting go of YoungK's hands.

"Our relationship, Seungmin, its not working anymore." YoungK said with a frown, he lift Seungmin's head by his chin and grinned slightly.

"I know, I.. I noticed." Seungmin said as the elder wipe his tears away, they pulled away from the closure and look up at the sky.

"Its such a wonderful dah to break up, the sun is shining and the weather isn't storming." YoungK said with a sigh, putting his hands inside his pockets.

"I know, but we really need to let go in order to be free, right?" YoungK nodded locking eyes with the other.

"You'll find someone better, Seungmin. I'm sorry that you have to deal with your first useless relationship." YoungK apologizes as Seungmin laughed.

"Its fine, its fine. I'll get going now, lunch is over and its time for my shift too. I guess I'll see you around then." Seungmin said heaving out a sigh.

"We're still friends, right?"

"Hyung, we can't promise thag but, yeah I guess we are." And with that, they separated ways.


"Hyung, here are the orders. Are you sure you're okay? I can do it." Jeongin asked, he looks so worried for his friend. Seungmin smiled packing the pizzas at the back of the motorcycle he use for delivering.

"Innie, I'm fine. I can do this, its our choice to end things up." His frown was showing again, he wasn't crying now. Youngk is his first love, first boyfriend, but why isn't he crying like the way he should?

"Okay hyung, just be safe!" Jeongin gave him a hug as Seungmin pat his head twice, Jeongin went inside the restaurant doing his job.

Seungmin climbed onto the vehicle and started the engine, he drove away to his first customer. Which was at a party, their pizza is well-known for being tasty, it really popular in Seoul.

Seungmin arrived, he knocked on the door thrice as it opened by an old man, wearing a very formal clothing as he smiled. "Here's your deliver, sir."

"Thank you young man, wait a second." The old man turned around calling his butler's attention. Seungmin rubbed his hands together from the coldness.

He look around and poeple are having their own business, then his eyes landed on an open window at the building nearby. He saw a guy wearing a hoodie and a mask, holding a gun.

It was pointed to the old man who was talking to his butler.

Seungmin gasped, he didn't waste his time so he pushed the old man to the side as the trigger sound was heard causing everyone to panic. The bullet went straight to the door, which was safe.

"Oh my, sir! There's an assassin after you!" The butler said looking down at the info on his phone. While they we're busy, Seungmin with fear, look up at the same place.

The guy put his gun down, he tilt his nead and locked eyes with Seungmin before dissappearing in the darkness. The young boy was terrified.

"Thank you so much for helping me, young man. Here, take this, do not refuse." The old man smiled and gave Seungmin some money, enough to buy a television.

Seungmin left, he drove from place to place for his deliveries. The guy was still in his head, the way he look and lock eyes with him sent horro to Seungmin.

"One last delivery, I'm going home. Finally."
Seungmin sighed in relief, he went to the apartment building and knocked on the door where the delivery should go.

The door then opened, revealing a such handsome boy. His brown eyes, dark hair, and god, those lips are kissable. Seungmin gulped and shook his head.

"Here's your delivery, s-sir."

"You don't mind to join me on my heartbreak?"

"S-Sir?" Seungmin asked, his eyes widened. This isn't the first time that sometimes offered something to him, but he was thinking he needed it. Though, his gokd side says he should refuse.

"So are you gonna accept my offer or not?" The guy asked in a raspy, bored voice.

"Iㅡ okay, I'm broke." The guy smirked as he welcomed Seungmin inside his place. It wasn't messy, wasn't clean, but was just simply a home.

Seungmin glanced at the boy as they sat om the couch, "So what's your name?" the stranger asked as Seungmin flinched, there was beer on the table infront of them.

"Seungmin, Kim Seungmin."


"19 years old."

"Not bad, you're allowed to drink. I'm Hyunjin, 20. Why are you broke?" Hyunjin asked taking a sip from his drink.

"Uh, me and my boyfriend broke uo at lunch awhile ago." Seungmin said with a low voice, it was so quiet. He felt like throwing out from the silence.

"Oh wow, why aren't you crying though? Shouldn't you be crying?" Hyunjin asked suspiciously, him and Seungmin locked eyes. The younger wondered if he seen Hyunjin somewhere.

"I don't know, I don't feel like it." Seungmin confessed as he played with the hem of his shirt. "You should drink, it'll make your emotions go."

"I-I don't drink, my hyung will be mad at me." Seungmin said refusing the offer, but Hyunjin sighed and still reach it out to him.

"I asked you to join me, you should drink. Don't be a good boy for now." Hyunjin said, Seungmin gulped and refused again.

"I can't drinkㅡ"

"Gosh you're boring!" Hyunjin said out loud rolling his eyes with a sigh. "Your boyfriend must've been bored with you that's why you guys broke up."

"I-I'm not b-boring!"

"Then show me, show me you're not boring!"

"I can drink." Seungmin grab the bottle and drunk it all up in one shot, he groggily put the bottle down and laughed, suddenly.

"Wow, I didn't know you'd gave up. I was just joking." Hyunjin said in amazement. Seungmin smiled, his eyes we're sleepy.

"I told you I'm not boring!" He slurred laughing out loud, rolling on the couch. Hyunjin eyed him, he is cute and very.... Beautiful.

"Hyunjin!" Seungmin yelled, the other hummed in response. "Your eyes are so pretty!"

"Your hair must beㅡ SOFT!" Seungmin giggled as he run his fingers through the older locks, Hyunjin just let him, since he's broke.

"And your... And your... Your lips." He slurred, traveling his fingers down to his face and brush it on Hyunjin's lips. "My lips?"

"Its... Its... I'll kiss it." Seungmin pulled Hyunjin's collar and connect their lips together, Hyunjin was shock so he pulled away this instant.

"Hey, hey. No kissing and stuff." Hyunjin said but Seungmin frowned, "I know you want me, Hyunjin."

"Yeah, I want to kill you for saving my target." Hyunjin muttered, "But I guess this night would be wild." He pulled Seungmin on his lap in a straddling position.

They connected their lips again and was melting from the new sensation, the way their lips move in sync and was perfectly fitting their concept.

Heck was it wild.

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