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Seungmin stands up from his seat, exiting the airplane he rode all the way to another country. He took a deep breath before going in the departure and getting his luggage.

Whe he got it, he went out of the airport and there infront of him, a Black Lamborghini was settled along with two bodyguards who bowed at him.

"Mr. Kim, its glad to see you here." Seungmin nodded in a shaking way, he hates it when he saw someone praising him. He felt like he's his father all the time.

One of the guards opened the door and the other one helped Seungmin with his bags, the young boy went inside the vehicle as it drove fast.

After the long ass ride, they arrived at a big mansion. It was huge as fuck like its a palace or bigger than the white house. Seungmin got out of the car with the help of those twi bodyguards.

The maids rushed and grab his luggage and bags, Seungmin but his lip and let out a sigh. He entered the big damn mansion, and he was greeted by the butler.

"Greetings, Mr. Kim. You have finally arrived, let me take you to where you should be." The butler said and lead the way, Seungmin followed.

Passing through the living room, upstairs to the 3rd floor and the quiet hallway. There we're paintings on the wall, pictures and others that didn't bother him.

They stopped infront of a big door, the butler gave him a nod telling him to go inside. Seungmin pucker his lips and opened the door, poking his head as he saw someone's back.

His eyes glistened into a roar as he closed the door shut, the person turned around and smiled at him.

"Seungmin, welcome home son." He said, Seungmin rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"This isn't my home, now be straightforward why do you need me?" Seungmin asked, his father chuckled and offered him a seat.


Hyunjin groaned and opened his eyes, shifting his gaze beside him. There was no one. He yawned and stretched his arms upwards going downstairs.

"Seungmin?" He called out, there was no response at all. He checked every corner of the room saying his boyfriend's name but no, he not in there.

Hyunjin bit his lip and ran upstairs, he roam his eyes around, running to the closet and opened it,Seungmin's clothes we're nowhere to be found.

Then he saw the teddy bear Seungmin bought, it was sitting on the studying desk and there was a paper stuck on it.

Hyunjin rushed and grab the note.

Hyunjin hyung, you might be wondering where I am right now. Don't worry, baby, I'm safe. And you're safe too. Don't try to find me, I shouldn't saved that old man and met you if I'm just going to leave you. I can't promise that I'll comeback but, I'll be right by your side forever. I love you, I'm very sorry.


Hyunjin place the note down again, the started to fall from the message he have read. He opened his phone and started to dial Seungmin's contact number. But he wasn't answering.

He then called Chan and his friends along with his boyfriend's to come over. He told them about Seungmin.

"Okay Hyunjin, we'll be there in no time." Chan ended the phone call, Hyunjin sat on the bed feeling weak, the teddy bear in his arms as he cried.

Burying his face on the stuffed toy. What the fuck did I do Seungminie?


"You see, honey, you're a very smart kid. You know how to anticipate and, I heard you know how to use weapons." Mr. Kim said, Seungmin sighed at that, glaring at his father.

"And you know that everyone had been talking about me as a criminal, a culprit, corruptionist." His father smiled, "What I wanted to say is that, I need you to clear up my name."

"So you're just going to use me? Look old man, I don't wanna waste all of my time just for you. You could've just get someone to do it!" Seungmin yelled angrily ay him.

"Well, sonㅡ"

"Don't call me that."

"Seungmin. Your life will change, and we will be together, as a family." This made Seungmin stand up and slam his hand on the table.

"Family?! You don't know about what family is. You killed my mom, a-and Wonpil hyung! You're a murderer! A criminal! I don't want this!" Seungmin yelled on top of his lungs, blood boiling.

His father smirked, "Well if you don't wanna do it, you actually can't. Cuz your Hyunjin will die anytime you did a mistake." The eye we're threatening Seungmin.

Seungmin gulped thinking about Hyunjin, his eye got blurry from tears. "Fine. I'll take it, but lay a single finger on Hyunjin then I won't hesitate shooting you."

" Good, that's my boy." He smiled, his father walk towards the desk and grab a picture.

"Now, all you have to do is simple. You're going to be in an arrange marriage with the Lai's." Seungmin's eyes widened in shock, the only person he wants to marry is Hyunjin, and only Hyunjin.

"So will you accept this?"

"I-I will." I'm sorry, Hyunjin hyung. But I love you so, so much.

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