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"Son? Are you ready?" Seungmin sighed and rolled his eyes, stepping out of his bedroom wearing a suit. It's just an engagement party.

"I am." He muttered under his breath, Mr. Kim smiled and lead the way with two bodyguards behind them. They got into his fucking Lamborghini ya'll.

"Think of this as a change, if you married Guanlin, your life will never be miserable ever again." Seungmin wasn't listening, he looks so dead and cold. He really didn't like this, and he would never.

"Yes dad, I will marry Guanlin to change my life into something better." He smiled, his father did the same and shrugged. He knew he'd never fail this time, he knows his son's weakness.

Hwang Hyunjin.

Later on, they arrived at this big avenue under the Lai's hands, that soon will be the Kim's. Seungmin got out of the car, a few guests greeting them with a smile.

The place was huge as fuck, everyone was wearing something beautiful. "Ah, there they are!" Mr. Lai called out, giving Mr. Kim a bro hug. Seungmin and Guanlin made eye contact and broke it after.

"My son is finally accepting that this will change his life." Mr. Kim said smiling as Seungmin smiled as well.

"My son is too, our lifestyle will be different. We'll be filthy rich!" The two man laughed with their sons laughing along too.

Guanlin grew impatient, he walk towards Seungmin placing a hand on his waist. "Dad, me and Seungmin need to discuss something in private." He gave him a telling wink.

Mr. Lai laughed and nodded, Guanlin quickly pulled Seungmin out of the crowd and inside one of the rooms in this big building.

He closed the door shut and faced Seungmin who was sitting on a chair typing something on a computer.

Guanlin lick his lips and walk towards the boy watching as he hack the systems, "You know the plan."

The youngest nodded pulling out guns and bullets out of the bag on the bed, he put on some bullets inside and loaded it.

Seungmin stretch his arms turning his chair to the younger, smirking from the weapons in his hand.

"Here, you'll need this too. Just stick to the plan." Guanlin said tossing the pistol over him which he gladly catched, Seungmin blew from the top earning a smoke from Guanlin.

"Hacked all the cameras?" Seungmin nodded, the younger sighed and put all things back to normal as they heard a knock on the door.

They both hid their guns inside their pockets, Guanlin pinning Seungmin against the wall leaning down pretending they we're kissing. "Moan."

Seungmin nodded, taking a deep breath. He moaned so loud, the footsteps we're slowly fading. They got off each other and proceed to the hall.

Everyone was gathered up in their seats clapping their hands after Mr. Lai and Mr. Kim introduced their partnership for this project.

After the intro, a sudden video showed up. There, was Mr. Kim, holding a gun pointing it to the president who just passed away days ago.

He pulled the truer and everyone gasp and was horrified from what they have seen, another video was now Mr. Lai, who was caught on tape burning the Whitehouse which was the president's home.

Everyone began to run out of the place, sirens and policemen gathering up in there, Seungmin smirked at him.

"Aww dad, look, they found out." He said in a pitiful tone. Mr. Kim screamed and pulled out his gun and started shooting the polices.

Seungmin quickly took out his pistol and shoot his father on the chest, Mr. Kim blabbered in blood as he fell on his knees.

"Arrest them, make them die with death penalty."


Its been a week, "Hyunjin please, please out of the room." Chan called out knocking on the door, Hyunjin screamed a no at them.

"Hyung, we have a my surprise for you. Please come out." Jisung was the one whose talking now, Hyunjin still ignored them.

"Jinnie, someone's waiting for you." Hyunjin shot up his head and turned ti the door, he slowly stands up and approached it.

That voice.

He twisted the doorknob and opened it, his eyes widened in shock, mind was blank from the person infront of him.

"Hyunjin Hyung Iㅡ" Hyunjin grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him inside the room closing the door, locked it.

He pushed Seungmin against the wall and pressed their lips together, it5was very unexpected. "Hyungie!" He gasp and pulled away.

"I thought you will actually leave me and never come back." Hyunjin cried, Seungmin leaned their for heads.

"Sorry for leaving you, if I told you then something bad would really happen. I love you so much hyung, dad is dead now."

"I love you too, I promise I'll protect you." And they shared another sweet kiss.


"H-Hey Felix." Felix glanced over from his back, he was done washing the dishes. Changbin was standing there and soon, approaching the younger.


"I just wanna telk you that you're eyes are so beautiful andㅡ"

"You like me?" Felix asked Stepping closer to him, Changbin felt like dying from embarrassment. He nodded.

"I like you too." Felix cup his cheeks and began to kiss him eagerly, with love and passion.

...THE END...

Yes. It is the end. *sigh*
Thank you for all the love that you gave this book, it deserved your love after all. You gays made this book stay until the end.

Sorry if it was unexpected, but I just feel like it. So sorry again and thank you so much!!!

Thank you so much for reading it! 💕📖🌹

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