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Hyunjin woke up groaning from the sunlight hitting his eyes, it was so bright that he can be blind from it. He glanced to his side and saw Seungmin, still asleep.

Face like an angel, innocent and sweet, but last night was definitely a wild beast. Hyunjin smiled and scooted closer to him, wrapping one arm over its waist.

Hyunjin leaned down to its shoulder, leaving butterfly kisses up to its neck. Seungmin exhaled and open his eyes from the tickling feeling, he whined, "Hyunjin! It's too early."

The elder smirked and placed a soft kiss on Seungmin's lips, he sat up and ruffled his hair as he grab the cigarette and lighter.

Seungmin sat next to him and snatched the thing away from its fingers, "And it too early to smoke." Hyunjin just gave up and chuckled.



Seungmin looked at him, but instead of asking what he's gonna say, he crash his lips over his. The kiss was as hot as lava, but soom enough, they stopped. They know their limits anyways.

"I'll cook breakfast." Hyunjin said with a smile and kissed the tip of Seungmin's nose, the younger giggled and nodded at him.


"So now, Seungmin is already a part of our squad." Chan announced to his friends, Jisung and Changbin nodded at it. They are inside the van that they're gonna use for their first mission.

"That's cool, I mean he's great at all things. I'm sure we would never duplicate another core key." Changbin said with a smirk, the car stopped infront of Seungmin's house.

They watch as Hyunjin and Seungmin got out and went inside the vehicle, they sat at the very back. "Lookin hot and fresh, Seungmin." Jisung said wiggling his eyebrows.

"He's mine fucker!" Hyunjin shoved the hand onto Jisung's face as he grunts, the rest laughed at it.

Hyunjin lick his lips and glanced over his boyfriend, "You okay darling?" He asked and Seungmin nodded with a smile, Hyunjin placed a hand on Seungmin's thigh all the way to the party.

"We finally arrived!" Changbin exclaims as they got out of the vehicle, the mansion is huge as fuck. Everyone was dressed in formal, it was a Grand Party.

"Here Seungmin," Chan hand him a earplug that would help them hear what Seungmin is saying, and a necklace that has a secret camera on its jewelry. Jisung gave him a gun too.

"Use those so that we know what's happening, and the gun, ditch the target and take him to a private area where only the two of you are in there. And kill him." Chan said and Seungmin nodded.

"Jisung, you're in charge for killing all those fucking police around here. Changbin, go with Jisung for protection, hack all security cameras. Hyunjin, assassinate the other two target, his cousin and his partner in company." Chan said and they all nodded at it.

"Wait, who's the target?" Seungmin asked and Chan was always there for an answer. "His name is Im Jaebum."

"J-Jaebum hyung?"

"You know him?" Hyunjin asked and Seungmin nodded, shaking from the memories of he remembered. "He's one of the guys who bullied me at 4th grade until freshman year."

"Show him what karma is like! Now let's go. I wanna have the 50 million dollar in our hands!" Jisung chuckled and they all proceeded inside the mansion. There are a lot of people doing stuff in here.

The crew nodded at each other as they spilt ways, "Don't let him touch you like I do, darling." Hyunjin whispered and Seungmin chuckled as they went off.

"Seungmin, Seungmin can you hear me?" Chan saod through the earplug in his ear, "Yeah I do, I can't see him anywhere."

"He's at the Hall, the VIP visitors are there anyways." Seungmin looked around and saw a sign that has 'HALL' written on it. "There security in there, and they're asking if people are a part of the VIP section."

"Might as well as try, I got your back." Seungmin exhaled, "Okay, I'm going." The young male went to the door, the two guards blocked his way, one of them looked at the list.

"You aren't here, you don't have a gold medals showing you're a VIP." He said, Seungmin bit his lip and was about to say a word, but he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Do we have a problem in here?" It was Jaebum, he was looking at his body guard, the stranger shrugged and continue on working.

"Didn't expect to see Kim Seungmin again, all dressed up." Jaebum said and placed his hands inside his pockets, Seungmin was nervous and his legs we're trembling.

"Seungmin, calm down. Remember, you need to ditch him. Show him some moves." Chan said calming him down, Seungmin murmured an 'okay.'

"Yeah, you quite change." Seungmin moved closer to Jaebum, grabbing a holding of necktie and giving him a mischievous look.

"Oh, you change a lot. Do you have someone in your life?" Jaebum asked licking his lips, Seungmin chuckled and let go of him.

"Single and available." Seungmin's lies we're like the truth, Hyunjin om the other side heard it since they all have their plugs connected. He grimaced and focused on his job instead.

"I see where we're going." Jaebum said with a smirk, stroking Seungmin's waist. "So, I'm a very impatient person. Can I work it up to you daddy?"

Jaebum chuckled darkly amd drag the two of them upstairs, he brought Seungmin in his big damn room. Sitting on the king sized bed as Seungmin straddle om his lap.

"Fuck." Jaebum cursed under his breath as Seungmin began to kiss him roughly, their lips we're so eager and was full of hunger.

Jaebum's hands grasp Seungmin's ass making him moan, Seungmin's moans we're nothing like girls, it was absolutely hot and could turn you on so quickly.

The younger began to unbutton Jaebum's shirt and threw it on the floor, but Seungmin stopped. "Seungmin, now!" Chan yelled.

Seungmin distract Jaebum with another kiss, he slowly bring out his gun from his pocket. And placed it on Jaebum's neck andㅡ "You asshole."ㅡpulled the trigger.

Seungmin got off the dead body, he watched as Jaebum fell om his bed, blood seeping out from the shot. "Seungmin, its time to leave. Everybody lets leave!" Chan said through the plug.

Seungmin left the bedroom and went out to meet the others. "Great job again, Seungmin. You didn't disappoint me." Chan said and Seungmin nodded.

"Jinnie?" Hyunjin hummed turning to his boyfriend, they are now on the way home. "I'm a part of you."

"You're a badass slut darling."

Hyunjin bit his neck and push him down the car seat, luckily they're at the very back. Hyunjin was leaving hickeys on his neck as Seungmin hid his moans.

"They're making out what the fuck." Changbin whispered to Jisung and Chan, the two only chuckled from what he said.

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