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"Seungmin , wake up darling." Hyunjin shaked the sleeping boy, Seungmin woke up with a groan and was greeted by an angel, devil.

"Goodmorning baby boy." Hyunjin smiled tucking Seungmin's extra hair behind his ear. Seungmin blushed and sat up with an innocent look.

"Stop calling ne nicknames!" He protests and jump off the bed, Hyunjin followed him out the bedroom and glanced at the food on the table.

"I wanna call you that, its cute." Hyunjin teased draping his arms around his fake boyfriend's waist. Seungmin swing it off and sat on the chair.

"Its just a fake relationship, Hyunjin. Don't expect it to be something more." Seungmin said, a glint of sadness and guilt in his eyes. Hyunjin sighed abd shrugged.

"Whatever you say baby, let's finish this and I'll drive you back to your hyung. I don't wanna ruin my image infront of him." Seungmin just hummed and nodded as they continued eating.


The two boys finished their works, they're on their way back to Seungmin's house. Seungmin had a present in his hands while he was smiling and was excited.

"I'll tell your hyung to take the two of you out, since its his birthday. My treat." Hyunjin said and pulled over infront of the house, Seungmin muttered a Thanksgiving as they went outside the vehicle.

Seungmin waddled towards the front door with a smile, he quickly fish the spare key inside his pockets and smiled widely when he finally found it.

But as he was about to push the key in the lock, the door was slightly open. He furrowed his eyebrows when and idea clicked in.

"Wait," Hyunjin stopped him when he was about to barge in. "The door knob is broken, I'll go inside first. We don't know if he's alright." Hyunjin pulled out his pistol and loaded it.

"Stop acting like everything's in danger!" Seungmin growled, his concern worriedness all over his body. Hyunjin ignored him and focused, he opened the door and saw that everything was not in its place.

There we're paper everywhere, the television was on the floor, cracked. The sofa had cuts and picture frames on the wall we're hanging like some sort of used clothe.

"Oh hell no..." Seungmin heard Hyunjin sweated a little loud, his heart beat raised from the words that came out of his mouth. Seungmin quickly sprite over the kitchen where Hyunjin was.

"What is it?!" Seungmin yelled and stood beside Hyunjin, looking at him, his eyes then followed the trail of dry red liquid on the floor.

There was a bloody knife near a hand, his eyes then stopped on the dead body. His tears coming out of nowhere, "Wonpil hyung!"

He ran to the unconscious body of his brother, he was mourning and weeping while he placed two fingers on his pulse.

"Its not beating anymore!"

Hyunjin searched his eyes around the bloody place, only to find a note on the table. He quickly snatched it and read it out.

Your father is such a hostile. I told him he'll pay for this, he chose you, Kim Wonpil, as his payment.


"Seungmin, your father chose him as a payment." Hyunjin said with a growl, he was also mad for a own father doing it on his own child.

"He's such a culprit! A useless father! I'm glad he died!" Seungmin cried and caressed his brother's hair, he bit his lower lip.

"Let's go to the hospital!" Hyunjin requested and ran over and bend down beside the boy, looking at the dead body.

"No," Seungmin answered. "Its too late, this is what happened to my mom. We buried her at our familiy's traditioned cemetery. Let's go there." Hyunjin nodded and carried the dead body.

He placed it in a white cover, wrapping it around it as Seungmin held his tears.


Seungmin and Hyunjin arrived at the Kim's cemetery, Wonpil's body was buried beside his mother's grave. Hyunjin wiped his sweat and stood beside the crying Seungmin.

"All this time, I thought I was the target. I should've been the one who protected him, he kept it as a secret. I hate him sometimes." Seungmin had his tears falling nonstop, Hyunjin's heart broke from the scene.

"I should've been there, for my hyung. I don't know what to do anymore. He's the only person I have in my life, now he's gone. Its so fast, so... Unexpected." Seungmin cries even more and louder than before.

Hyunjin sighed and pulled the boy into a hug, "I'm here, Seungmin. I'll be here for you."


I'm. Ducking. Back.

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