Tough Day

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I was putting away some scalpels away with Molly. We were getting ready to head back to our flat's tiredly, we pulled a late one and I could see Molly yawning about every five minutes or so.

We were getting ready to head out after filing papers, when the sociopath came in.

"Molly." He said cheerfully but it was obviously fake.

"And...Y/N." He said with a fake smile, because I knew he wasn't very excited to see me.

I wasn't as easy as Molly. I don't have any opinions for compliments I am givin. The man has tried it on me before, a complete failure that was, but on Molly...I could be wrong, but it seemed to have always worked on Molly.

"I need to see Edmund Zelch." He said smiling down at Molly with his intent blue-grey eyes.

Molly let out a tiny yawn before shaking her head slowly. Sure, I was a bit tired, but not as much as Molly. She looked dead at that moment.

"Oh, your wearing make-up today." Sherlock said, making a fake face of interest.

"I am..." Molly said confused.

"It suits you." He said with a proud smile which made Molly blush like a little schoolgirl.

"Edmund?" She said going through her papers in her bag tiredly.

"Nope. Not happening." I took both her hands out of her bag, and looked at her.

"What...why?" She said again, her eyes in a sleepless daze.

"You need rest, I'll take care if him." I glared at Sherlock Holmes and lead Molly out.

After Molly was out I ran my hand across my hair and sighed, it had been a long day and I was really tired.

"How could you play my sister like that? It's not funny." I said while packing up some paperwork.

"It's my way to get what I want from her, and I never said it was funny, it's work." He said eyeing one if the scalpels that I had accidentally left.

"Your really an arse, you know that?" I said tapping my fingers on the desk impatiently.

"Your not the first to use that adjective." He said, which caused me to chuckle lightly.

"I figured." I said.

"Yes, now will you hurry up and get out Edmund for me?" He said impatiently.

"What's in it for me?" I said looking at him a bit amused.

"I'll give you a massage...or..." He came dangerously close behind me and whispered those words in my ear.

"Forget it, you can't make me do anything for you like that." I said smiling and walking away to keep a distance.

"Oh?" He said as an amused smirk played on his lips.

"Yep." I said not looking at him while putting away papers, that me and Molly accidentally forgot. I could feel his intense gaze on me.

"Tough day, wasn't it?" He asked walking around.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm sorry about the break-up." He said smiling at me smugly.

"Was it that obvious?" I said sighing and tapping my fingers on the table again, from anxiety.

"Quite." He said.

" wasn't working out." I said trying to end the difficult conversation.

"It was working out perfectly." He said still staring at me.

I kept quiet.

"He cheated." He said fixing his coat.

"Yea, he did." I said chuckling at my own stupid mistake of choosing him in the first place.

"You gonna cry?" He asked in a bored tone.

"Course not." I had a lump in my throat.

"I wont look." He turned around, his back facing me.

"Promise?" I asked, my voice cracking, and I was sniffing a bit too.

"Promise, but this is what I will do to get permission to Edmund's body." He said.

"Fine." I said, my eyes watering at the thought of a stupid relationship that I thought was going to work out perfectly.

Why couldn't I be like Sherlock Holmes? It would be great to be without emotion, or sentiment. I had just cried in front of him. I had made myself look weak...dammit!

After getting Sherlock Holmes what he wanted, I went back to my flat and tried to sleep but...

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