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The next morning I headed out to work earlier than usual. It was supposed to rain today, and I really did not wish to get caught in the rain.

I slipped on my tennis-shoes and headed out the door with an umbrella in my hand. The rain had already started. Just my luck.

I hailed a cabbie and got inside, warming my hands with my breath. It was a cold October morning.

I heard the cabbie door open up again and someone sat next to me.

Sherlock Holmes.

"What the hell..." I said continuing to warm my hands.

"Hello." He looked at me.

I sighed and looked out the window on my side.

"What do you want?" I asked tiredly.

"Nothing." He said, but I knew he was lying, and I'm pretty sure he knew that I knew.

"Just...say it." I said irritated.

"What, so you can decline?" He said, and I looked over and saw him with a raised eyebrow.

"I was thinking the opposite, but thanks for the new idea." I glared at him.

I heard him sigh and look out his window, obviously frustrated.

"Is Molly in today?" He finally asked after a great sun of silence.

"No, she called last night and said she's taking the day off." I said.

"Oh..." He said disappointed.

"Wanted to see her?" I asked in an amused tone.

"Course not. She's easier to persuade than you." He said with a smile.

"So you wouldn't go out with her if you had the chance?" I asked.

"Not really my area,why?" He said.

"She likes you, but you didn't hear anything from me." I winked.

"Obviously." He said.

"Yea, she's a really great sister...always caring for me, and everyone." I said thinking about her.

"What about you?" He asked.

"What about me?" I said.

"Do anyone?" He said with a confused expression on his face.

I realized from his expression that it took him a ton of courage being the sociopath he is to ask me a question like that so I just had to respond in a response that was very amusing to myself yet troubling and confusing to himself. Don't ask why. We all get bored.

"Actually, I do." I said smiling.

There was silence.

"Who?" He asked.

"Why do you care?" I said overly defensive on purpose to confuse him.

"I really don't." He said trying to deduce me.

"Good." The taxi came to a stop and I got out before him.

I felt dominant for once.

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