Pinky Swear

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When we arrived a Bart's, we both practically ran up to the locker number out of pure excitement of a lead.

"Finally!" I squealed in excitement.

"Yes..." He said trying not sound too excited which I knew he was. Look at his pupils, they were wide, but not dilated.

We unlocked it using the combination and found only a ring.

"Sherlock--" I was cut off.

"A ring? Why would she leave us a ring and a ring only?" He exclaimed.

"Sherlock that's--" I was cut off again.

"This doesn't make sense." He said looking at it.

"Sherlock!" I said loudly.

"What?" He said looking at me. Finally I had grasped his attention.

"That's my ring." I said with a lump in my throat.

"What do you mean?" He said.

"That's the ring my ex-boyfriend had given me." I said.

"What is it doing in Molly's locker?" He asked seriously.

"I gave it back to him after we broke up..." I said slowly, realizing something vital.

He kept quiet.

"What if he took Molly as revenge for our break up?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"He was the one that ended it, why would he be mad?" Sherlock said.

"Because he thought I was cheating." I said.

"It's still not your fault. Besides, this is a good lead. Now we know that Molly knew he was after her because he had left the ring in her locker as a warning, which Molly didn't understand until she was in the closet, that's when she realized she could lead us to him." He said.

"Yea...that's Molly for you." I said chuckling.

"So now we need information on you ex. Basic stuff, such as: his name, birthdate, blood type, parents, origin, city of birth, address, phone number, license plate, ect." He said quickly looking down at me intently.

"Umm..." I said slowly.

"His name at least?" He asked with a sigh.

"Edmund Moran." I said.

"Moran?" He asked with intrigue.

"Yes, that's his last name." I said.

"Does he have a brother?" He asked.

"Yes actually. His brother's name is Sebastian." I said.

"Excellent." He exclaimed.

"You know his brother?" I asked.

"Old colleague." Sherlock said before walking out of the locker room.

"Where are we headed?" I asked confused.

"It's too late to go to the bank, we should get some rest." He said.

"Oh, yea." I said yawning. I hadn't had a break since I came from work this morning.

"My flat isn't a very long walk from here, plus I have an extra room, you can stay the night if you want." I said, yawning again.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Sure, but don't get any ideas." I said.

"I told you already. Not my area." He said with a chuckle.

"Oh yea. Sure." I said sarcastically, while leading the way to my flat.

"What?" He said.

"John told me all about you and Irene Adler." I giggled.

"She was intriguing, I'll give her that, but quite frankly she meant nothing to me." He said bluntly.

"Too bad." I said.

"Why?" He said.

"Imagine you with a girlfriend." I said amused.

"I did have a girlfriend before, I think." He said.

"No, Sherlock. Jeanine doesn't count as a girlfriend." I said.

"Your right, she was more of a test subject." He said deep in thought.

"What about you and John before he met Mary?" I asked, holding in a laugh.

"What? No." He said confused, yet amused. I couldn't describe his face.

"Whatever you say." I sang sarcastically.

"We there yet?" He asked.

"Yep." I said unlocking the door.

"Looks decent." He said glancing around.

"That's your room over there, and that's the bathroom across from it." I said pointing.

"Where is your room?" He asked looking at me.

"Sherlock Holmes I swear, if I see you in my room tonight I'm gonna kick your butt." I said.

"Relax I was just curious." He said with a chuckle which caused me to raise my eyebrow.

"Pinky swear?" I said holding out my pinky.

"How childish." He said holding out his own.

"Not really. If you break one of my pinky swears, I get to cut off your pinky and keep it for myself." I said smirking.

"Fine." He said, as our pinkies wrapped around each other.

"Good." I said.

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