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He pulled me in roughly before trapping me, my back to the wall, facing him.

"It's time for you to correct your mistakes..." He whispered leaning in.

"Pfft...I'm not scared." I said before he could lean in any closer.

"Oh, really?" He stopped and stared into my eyes with a smirk.

"Really." I said whispering in his ear.

"Then what can I do...to make you scared?" He said still looking at me,amused.

"Nothing." I said smirking.

"Aw...there has to be something. Maybe something to confuse you...yes." He said quietly before leaning in and placing his lips into mine.

It did work to confuse me. I never truly understood if we were even together. Were we? And how a man like him could be so sentimental. Wait...he's getting sidetracked, and it's because of me.

"We're...supposed to be finding Molly." I said after breaking the kiss.

"Right...yea." He said awkwardly running his hand through his hair.

I couldn't believe I had done that. I really wanted to kiss him but...I felt like an distraction rather than a girlfriend.

"I'm going to be sitting here in my mind palace to support me on where Edmund has taken Molly, then report it to my network. Make yourself at home." He said taking a seat on his chair.

"Okay..." I said awkwardly.

I had drifted off to sleep on the other couch across from Sherlock in less than 2 minutes.

I woke up from a bed and looked around an unfamiliar room.

"Sherlock?" I said looking around.

The bed was comfy and smelt really nice...smelt of...Sherlock. What if this was his bed? Did he carry me here?

I blushed at the thought of him chuckling at my snoring.

"Y/N?" I heard his tired voice behind me and turned my head slightly to see him, next to me, his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Sherlock?!" I screamed.

"What? What is it?" He said now fully awake.

"Why am I...in this position with you?" I said worriedly.

"I was sleepy too and got too lazy to bring you to another room so I just set you on my bed with me. Problem?" He asked,resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Oh...well, will you at least let go if my waist..." I said shyly.

"No..." He said, and started caressing my waist gently.

"H-Hey..." I said surprised.

"What?" He said smirking.

"Just stop this." I said sitting up quickly from his arms looking away.

"What's wrong?" He said sitting up with seriousness and concern in his voice all at once.

"This...thing we have going on...it's a distraction to your work...you need to find Molly--" I was cut off by his lips clashing onto mine.

He deepened the kiss so much that I went falling backwards on the bed with him on top, anxiously.

"Y/N...I can't stop..." He said staring into my eyes.

"You have to...we're both getting off topic. This was never supposed to happen, especially at a time like this!" I said with my voice cracking.

"Y/N..." He said sadly.

He got off me and we both sat up quietly.

"So...did you figure out information on Molly's wherabouts?" I asked trying my best to change the topic.

"I have the homeless network on that, and I'm currently waiting for their response." He said quickly.

I never could figure out how he went from sentimental and passionate to complete genius and blunt.

"Y/N..." He said leaning in about to kiss me again.

"Sherlock...control..." I pushed him away gently.

"Yes of course...I'm being sidetracked because of you. Your making me sentimental, yet it isn't your fault...I think we need to take some time away from each other...just until I find Molly." He said bluntly.

"Yea...that sounds best." I said smiling a fake smile.

"I'm going to get you a cabbie to your flat." He said, as we were both out the door in a flash.

It was sad but the best way.

"Sherlock..." I said before getting in the cab.

"Yes, Y/N?" He asked.

"I love you." I said quietly and hugged him.

"I love you too." He hugged me back and when we pulled away, he kissed my forehead.

I sat in the taxi, tears were about to fall, when I notice the taxi go a completely different way from my flat.

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