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Sherlock and I both got near the door of that room the highest bidder was in and hid. We each had a shotgun, because...you never know...right?

After Molly had entered, I physically took out the guys guarding the door, and Sherlock snuck inside. I didn't know what was going on, I just had to guard the door.

It's amazing what a little research and late night action movies can teach you.

I waited about twenty minutes, but still, Sherlock hadn't come out yet with Molly, so I knocked on the door.

There was no reply.

I knocked again, this time more firmly.

Still no reply.

I decided to peek inside. I creaked the door a little but open and saw Sherlock on the floor.

My heart stopped, and I was in complete shock.

Is he dead? No, he can't be dead, he can't, can't, can't be dead, can he? He can't do this to me. Please let him be alive.

I ran through the door and kneeled down next to him.

The blood seemed to have came from his arm, where the bullet had hit. Thank goodness he was still alive. If I had lost him...

He sat up and groaned.

I was so caught up in Sherlock, that I didn't notice I was shot too.

It was in my left shoulder, and upper left back.

The pain was immense, and so terrifying that I was temporarily muted.

I fell back with a tear rolling down my eye, I heard Sherlock screaming my name and then I blacked out.

When I awoke, I was in a white room. It is most probable that I was in a hospital.

My back and shoulder ached of pain, and I found the inability to sit up. I felt a hand on my own, and turned my head slightly to the left to see that it was Sherlock's.

His eyes stared at me intently, he wasn't blinking, he just held my hand.

"Y/N..." He said, continuing to stare at me.

"What...happened...?" I asked, and when I talked, the pain worsened.

"How could I let this happen..." He sighed, frustratedly looking down.

"Sherlock...it kind of...hurts..." I said, a tear rolling down my face.

"I know, sweetheart...I know..." He said kissing my hand, and pushing the emergency button to call the nurses.

The nurses barged in quickly and Sherlock had to be taken out of the room.

I was put to sleep again. I hate being in a powerless state, it makes me feel weak.

And Molly.

Why couldn't Molly just be safe? Did Sherlock save her? Was everything solved? Could I go back to my work every morning and see Molly blushing around Sherlock--oh god. What have I done?

Molly has had the hugest crush on Sherlock since We first started working. No wonder when in that cell when I told her that me and Sherlock were sentimental...she sounded a bit...sad. Damn. How could I be so blind and go off doing something like this to my sister?!

My E/C eyes popped open, and I saw Sherlock by my side again. He was rubbing his thumb against my knuckles.

"Feeling better?" He asked with a slight smile.

"Yea..." I said, sitting up.

"Good...that's good..." He said awkwardly.

"Did you get Molly?" I asked.

"Yea, She's at one of her friend's house, recovering from shock. Scotland Tard arrested the others." He said smiling.

"Really?" I asked, a smile appearing on my lips as well.

"Really." He said staring into my eyes and blushing.

"Thank you so much Sherlock..." I said smiling.

"I couldn't have done it without you, darling." He said, leaning in slowly.

I shut my eyes to let him, when I was suddenly reminded...


I turned my head to the side, so he would miss my lips.

He pulled back and tried to look into my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I can't..." I said.

"Why? What's stopping you?" He asked anxiously.

"Sherlock...I don't even know our relationship...I think we should probably stop here. I really appreciate you saving Molly with me, really I do." I said, holding back tears the best I could.

"Why are you...saying these kind of things, Y/N?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"Please...leave." I said, pushing aside all my emotions and feelings.

"No. Tell me what's wrong." He said staring at me.

"I'm not supposed to love anybody, anyway. It wasn't bound to work out between us, or anyone I ever date. You have your work, and I have mine." I said.

"Stop this." He said, biting his bottom lip.

"Just...go." I said.

"Y/N--" I interrupted him.

"Leave." I said a bit louder.

He took his coat and left.

I didn't cry, I just fell back on the hospital bed and let my heart go through it's complication. That complication that feels like I'm being stabbed in the heart. But it's okay, as long as Molly isn't hurt physically or mentally, I'll be fine. She deserves him more than I do.

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