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It had been three days since I had last heard from my sister, Molly. She last told me she was changing her phone plan, but those usually don't take more than 24 hours so I was starting to worry a bit.

I got off work early today so I was looking forward to a quite relaxed evening filled with ice cream and zombie movies, but no, that wasn't meant to happen.

I had received a text from none other than Sherlock Holmes, which read:

Come to 221B Baker Street now, urgent.


I sighed after reading the text. What could he possibly want now?

I git a cabbie to 221B Baker Street and before I could knock on the door, I was grabbed by the arm and pulled in. How nice.

"Hey!" I said getting out of, none other than Sherlock Holmes' ,grip.

"Y/N I need to know if you've received any texts or talked to Molly in the last three days." He said quickly.

"No, I haven't actually,why? Is she okay?" I asked anxiously.

"I figured. I don't know if she's even alive. My thoughts are that she's been abducted." He said pacing around his room.

"Abducted?! By who?" I asked, worriedly.

"You know that new rumored group of abductors? I'm going to check if it was them. I should be able to identify evidence to prove my statement in her flat. I'm heading there now." He said, putting on his coat.

"I'm going too." I said looking at him.

"Hmm...maybe you can be of some use." He said eyeing me from head to toe.

"I am a pathologist...of course I can be of help." I said rolling my eyes.

"John has been busy with that new baby......fine you can come." He said going out the door.

"I didn't need your permission..." I mumbled under my breath before following behind him.

When we arrived at Molly's flat the door was locked. Not very surprising.

"What now?" I asked looking at him.

"Your hair...it's quite soft..." He said twirling a strand if my hair around his finger before quickly taking out the bobby pin from my hair.

"What the..." I looked at him picking the lock, with a confused expression.

"There." I heard him say, as he handed me my bobby pin back with an amused smirk before opening the door.

"Shouldn't we call the police?" I asked as we both walked in.

"They'll only slow me down." He said while rummaging through Molly's belongings.

"Find anything?" I finally asked after a few minutes of glancing around.

"Yes. We're done here." He said with a face of accomplishment.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Look at the bed. It's perfectly made, except..." He pulled the blanket over and there was a bit of blood and the sheets were messed up. "There are signs of struggle and her pillow has a deep dent in the middle. I measured the size of the head, exact same number of inches as Molly's. So, her head was being pushed down, but how?

She either could have been lying faced down on the pillow but there are no facial features on the pillow plus judging by the laundry it was 2 days ago and if she was simply lying down the dents would have faded from the pillow, but since they are still there it means she was pushed down roughly. Balance if probability says she was choked, but not to death because our abductor is looking to keep girls alive for trade. The blood marks tell us that she resisted at one point which caused her to be choked, but not to her death because this is a human trafficker we are dealing with." He said quickly.

"How do you know it was a human trafficker?" I asked, amazed.

"The first thing I noticed was the television. He volumed it loudly so the neighbors wouldn't hear any screaming of the sort, smart but not smart enough to turn it down after he had taken her out, which indicates that he isn't a master murderer but works for someone. Gang member? No, because there would have been signs of a weapon, so human trafficker it is." He said.

"So if he did all that... How did he leave with Molly knocked out without looking suspicious?" I asked.

"It is most probable that there was a car or something to pick them up." He said.

"Okay..." I said quietly, trying not to burst into tears for my abducted sister, even though I had every right to.

"Y/N...she's going to be fine. She's a smart girl." He said looking at me.

"She is...isn't she?" I said with a face of realization.

"What's wrong?" I heard him say, confused.

"Molly loves chocolate!" I said.

"Excuse me?" I heard Sherlock say.

"Look at her door, a peephole is there. There are chocolate hand marks where she put a hand on the door for support while looking through it. She must have been having one of her chocolate movie nights, When the man knocked, she saw him with a weapon and knew she was going to be harassed or harmed in some way so she must have hid. She couldn't call the police because she was going to get a new phone plan, that's what she had called to tell me the last time we talked. So where could she have hid..." I walked around looking for a place Molly could have fit and found a closet. "Perfect!" I gestured towards the closet.

"Brilliant!" I heard him exclaim excitedly.

"You think so?" I said.

"Most definitely." He smiled at me.

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