Lots of Tears

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It had been about a week since we saved Molly. Everything was back to normal. I was going to work everyday with Molly, and we would go out for ice cream every Friday. I was happy with this kind of lifestyle, but to be honest I sort of missed him.

Okay that's a lie, I missed him a lot.

He had contacted and texted me a few times, but I just ignored them. I know it was harsh but every now and then, Molly would come to me and tell me how relieved she was that me and Sherlock weren't actually a thing, and I would tell her how that would never happen because he wouldn't ever be interested in me nor I him.

It hurt when I talked to her about these things, especially when she would call me and tell her about how much she fancied him. But that's okay. My feelings don't mean as much as her own do. She's been through a lot.

Molly left early tonight and I had to stay late because I had had extra paperwork I needed to take care of.

I heard a something go inside the chemistry room which was next to the room I was in.

I went and checked, to see Sherlock looking through a microscope.

I stopped and watched him from the door, just staring at him.

I don't think he noticed me, but I was very content in being where I was at the moment. I watched as he turned the knob on the microscope slowly to adjust it. He was so perfect.

I accidentally sneezed, and he quickly looked up from his microscope.

His grey-blue eyes froze on my own eyes and we stared at each other. I felt like I was staring at him sadly, which I probably was.

He looked sad as well, his eyes were glistening in the light, dilated to the greatest extent.

I ran back to the room I was in and could hear his voice as he chased after me.

"Y/N! Wait!" He called out.

He came in and saw me standing by the desk.

"Go away." I said, a tear rolling down my face.

"Please, Y/N tell me what's wrong." He said putting his hand on my arm gently.

"No..." I said harshly pushing arm away.

It wasn't his fault...but i can't do this to Molly.

"Y/N please...tell me. My sweet, I don't like seeing you cry." He said, pulling me in for a hug, in which I sobbed into his chest.

"Sherlock I..." I couldn't finish.

What am I doing, hugging him? This isn't right.

I pulled away quickly.

"Y/N...?" He said with concern in his tone and eyes.

"Sherlock I can't do this with you. Can we just move on? Please? We can be friends." I said wiping my tears.

"Y/N it's not that easy for me to move on from my first feeling of sentiment, especially when I'm a sociopath. Do you know how difficult it is? Do you know how much it hurts?!" He said loudly, running his hand through his hair in a frustrated manner.

"I know...I know...i'm really sorry Sherlock I am." I said, covering my face.

"Tell me what's going on." He said, seriously.

"I...I don't love you anymore." I spat out.

It was the biggest lie I had ever told in my entire life.

"You...what?" He asked, his voice weak.

I kept quiet.

"Is that...is that true?" He said, struggling to speak. His face had gone pale.

I nodded.

My head ached in pain, I took my stuff and left the room.

I went into my flat and took pills, then drank glasses and glasses of wine, to drink away the pain.

It didn't work of course. It wasn't the best remedy.

I sat on my couch and turned on the telly, to try and get my mind off everything, when Molly called.

"H-Hello?" I accidentally stuttered.

"Hey, Y/N. Everything okay?" She asked.

"Yea... Just a bit sick...you know." I said with a fake chuckle.

"Yea. So guess what happened today?" She said.

"What?" I asked, pretending to be intrigued.

"Sherlock just called me! He usually never does that!" She exclaimed in excitement.

"R-Really...? What did he s-say?" I asked, shivering a bit. My entire flat felt cold.

"We chatted about my hair, and then he asked what your address was, because you left your coat at the mortuary." She said.

"Did you t-tell him?" I asked.

"Yea. I think he's on his way to your place now." She said.

"I'll tell him all the good things about you." I said.

"Aw, your really sweet Y/N." She said.

"No p-problem, sis. I have to go now though. Bye." I said.

"Bye." She said happily, then we both hung up.

I burst into a large amount of tears after we both hung up.

After my hour of sadness, I heard a knock on my door and went to open it. I wasn't very surprised to see Sherlock with my jacket in his hands.

He stared at me, sadly.

"Here's your um...jacket." He said handing it to me.

"Thanks." I said taking it, with no facial expression.

"Y/N--" He started but I interrupted him.

"Don't." I said, interrupting him.

"But..." He objected.

"Please." I said, my voice in a high pitch, indicating the waterworks.

He nodded and walked away from my door as I shut it.

I slid down on my bottom, my back to the door, while gripping my jacket tightly, crying my eyes out.

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