Cheshire Club

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I awoke on Sherlock's bed and ran quickly to the kitchen where I had deduced him to be, judging by the smell of coffee.

"Sherlock!" I said running up to him.

"Yes?" He said.

"Any clues to the whereabouts of Molly?" I said quickly.

"Good morning to you too." He mumbled.

"Sorry." I sighed and smiled, calming down.

"Nonsense, your fine. As for Molly, I did some research last night, she's going to be given to a man, Herbert Steel, for one million at the Cheshire Club, that's their meet up spot." He said.

"The Cheshire Club?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, and we have to disguise as a member to get in." He said.

"How?" I asked.

"Shopping, go get ready." He said.

I slipped on some presentable clothes and me and Sherlock got in a cab to some boutique he was blabbering about.

"So what do these members usually wear?" I asked.

"They dress quite different." He said.

"Different? How different?" I asked.

"Very different. If you feel uncomfortable, let me know." He said looking at me.

"Pfft. Clothing doesn't scare me." I said proudly.

"Whatever you say,dear." He said.

"So what is this boutique all about?" I asked.

"They are the only boutique that sells the clothing we need to fit in." He said.

"Ah...I'm excited." I said smiling.

"Why?" He asked looking at me with much intrigue.

"I've never been to a club." I admitted.

"That makes two of us." He said.

"I hope we can finally get Molly today." I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder.

"That would be divine..." He said wrapping an arm around me.

When we arrived the shop was filled with the craziest things.

"Damn..." I said as we walked inside and glanced around.

"See anything you like?" He asked.

"I don't have any opinion towards this style..." I said amazed by the vibrant pop of colors.

"Here." Sherlock handed me a black dress with a vibrant colored eyeball pattern, and exposed the sides of my waist.

"Hey, this looks pretty nice." I said going inside the fitting room.

When I came out the dressing room I saw Sherlock in a matching eyeball suit.

"Does it look good?" I asked twirling around.

"You look beautiful." He said smiling with his cheeks flushed light pink.

"Aww...your blushing!" I said and kissed his light pink cheek.

"A-Am not..." He said quietly, putting his hands gently on my waist.

"Yes you are..." I said giggling.

"No..." He said, then leaned in and attempted to kiss me when we were inturrupted.

"Are you going to buy that?" The shop owner asked in her Australian accent.

"Yes." Sherlock said not taking his eyes off my own.

"Yes." I said, doing the same.

"Okay...well I'll be at the cash register." She said awkwardly before heading off. She had every right to feel awkward.

Sherlock leant in once again, attempting to kiss me.

My heart was pounding in my chest and the moment our lips touched each other I melted.

It lasted about a minute, and was very soft and sweet.

He pulled away and a faint smile played on his lips.

After we bought those clothes with accessories we got a cab to Sherlock's flat and ordered some take-out.

"How much time left until the club opens?" I said lounging around with Sherlock on his couch, as we waited for our delicious take-out.

"About three hours." He said.

"I can't wait to kick ass." I said, causing him to chuckle.

When our take-out arrived we sat down and watched a movie which we deduced every inch of.

When it was time to go we were dressed up and put on some designer masks on, just in case someone recognized us.

"Ready, darling?" He asked taking my hand.

"Ready." I said.

We took a cab to the club and luckily we had no problems getting in.

The club was huge and really colorful, filled with people, dressed as crazily as me and Sherlock.

1900's swing music played in the background and people were dancing.

Sherlock put a hand on my waist and took my hand with his other one. I joined along while putting my on free hand on his shoulder.

"Sherlock, this is a waltz." I giggled.

"Yes...and?" He said.

"That's not how your supposed to dance to this kind of music, hun." I said.

"How do you dance to this, then?" He asked.

"Lucky for you I have experience. Do the same thing just faster, like them." I pointed to a few people dancing to the swing music.

"I see..." He said and twirled me, then picked me up and waved me in the air. He was a natural!

"Wow...where did you learn that?" I asked.

"I simply observed." He said.

We danced some more, and kept an eye out for the entrance in case someone brought in Molly.

After a few minutes we saw a girl and a man with masks on as well, but the girl'a body looked just like Molly's and she had her exact hair color.

"Sherlock..." I said.

"Yea, I see her too. Think that could be Molly?" He asked.

"I'm sure of it." I said.

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