Be strong...or not

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It had been a week since I had gone to work, or even communicated with Molly in any way.

People would occasionally knock on my door, but I never answered.

I had gotten multiple texts from Sherlock, and Molly, even Anderson.

I felt weak like this, like I was trying to escape my entire life, my entire destiny.

If I had realized this sooner I would have been better quicker.

I can't let him or her get to me. I need to be strong, and move forward.

I put on more bolder clothes to boost my self esteem, and topped my entire outfit off with a black eyeliner cat-eye.

I was gonna go shopping. That seems to always make me feel better, whether it's for clothes or candy.

I headed it out and took in the November chill. It felt really nice outside, and my mind was filled with positive thoughts.

I bought a new pair of shoes and some clothing, as well as a ton of candy. I had two bags filled with candy and other sweets.

I sat down on the bench to wait for the bus afterwards. If was a good day. I was proud if myself for being strong today. Tomorrow I have to be super woman, because I will have to see Molly, and communicate with her without having an emotional outburst.

The bus was taking longer than usual. I glanced around to see if it was nearby, but it wasn't. As I was glancing around, I saw someone I didn't want to see, and they were with my sister.

Sherlock and Molly.

I quickly sat back down and attempted to hide.

Don't cry Y/N. You were doing so well today, don't let this ruin your day, or you.

"Y/N!" Molly called out cheerfully.

I just got up from the bus stop and attempted to walk away quickly.

A tear had already slid down my face, and rain was starting to pour down.

Molly quoted down and I could here Sherlock yelling my name. I had started to run to get away. He was now chasing me, my eyes were filled with tears, streaming down my face, and my clothing soaking wet from the rain.

I had been being chased by him for at least fifteen minutes. He just won't give up.

I started to get tired and stopped by an alley, hoping for him not to have found me.

"Y/N..." I heard him say out of breath.

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"Y/N...please tell me what's wrong." He said carefully, pulling me in for a hug.

"I-I already told you...I don't love you anymore." I said, tears streaming from my eyes, as he rubbed my back soothingly.

"We both know that's not true..." He said quietly.

"I know..." I mumbled, gripping his shirt and crying on his chest.

"Then what's the problem?" He asked.

"Molly...she likes you, and I can't do something like go off and date you..." I said.

It felt so good to be in his arms and inhale his tobacco ash scent. I had missed it so much, but I knew it wouldn't last long.

"Molly doesn't like me." He said in a confused tone.

"What?" I asked in a surprised tone.

"She's been trying to tell you, that's why we were looking for you." He said.

"What happened?" I asked again, my intrigue rising.

"I can't believe you didn't know-" he was saying and I interrupted him.

"Sherlock!" I interrupted.

"She's engaged." He said.

"What?!" I exclaimed in the uttermost surprised expression.

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