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We had watched 3 zombie movies, and finished half of the entire bucket of ice cream when the sun finally came out. I can't believe we were having a zombie movie night with ice cream while my sister was abducted. Then again, you shouldn't expect much from sociopaths.

"Morning Sherlock." I said getting up and putting the bucket of ice cream in the freezer.

"Morning." He said.

"What time is it?" I asked walking back over.

"7:30 am." He said.

"An hour left until the bank opens..." I said walking into my room.

"I need a shower." He said getting up.

"Help yourself, there are towels in there too." I yelled from the other side of my bedroom door.

After a few minutes I was out and ready, I saw Sherlock making coffee.

"What are you doing?" I said walking in the kitchen.

"Coffee?" He asked handing me a cup of (your favorite) coffee.

"Mm...how did you know I liked (your favorite coffee)?" I asked after taking a sip.

"Lucky guess." He said.

"No it wasn't." I teased.

"You want to know?" He said looking at me.

"I love your deductions." I said overly flirtatiously. I love having a little fun with our conversations.

"Do you?" He said back seducively.

"Oh yea." I said taking another sip from my coffee, smiling into it.

"Well too bad." He said playfully before walking away.

"Aww, why not?" I asked following behind.

"This is your punishment for last night." He smirked.

"Fine." I said after finishing my coffee and putting it down.

"Be happy I didn't break the pinky swear." He said, finishing his cuppa as well.

"But I really wanted your pinky." I frowned.

"You won't be getting it anytime soon, dear." He said amused.

"Bummer, I really wanted to perform some experiments on that pinky of yours." I said, not letting him calling me 'dear' get to me.

"Ah, we should head over to the bank now." He said checking the clock.

"Sounds good." I said,and we both were out the door and in a cabbie in a flash.

"It's a bit chilly out today, huh?" I said rubbing my hands together for warmth.

"Indeed." He said looking out his window.

"Should have brought my coat..." I mumbled so he wouldn't hear, but he probably did.

"I'm not one to have sympathy but...your an exception, I guess." He took off his coat and wrapped it around me warmly.

"Wow. I didn't know Mr.Holmes could be a gentleman." I said smirking and blushing a little bit.

"Like I said before, an exception." He said, blushing a bit as well. This was very amusing.

"Why am I an exception?" I asked smiling.

"I don't know." He said still blushing.

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