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We had been staring at each other for what seemed like forever.

I was just like him. A sociopath. I had no feelings and would often smile at the worst of times, like right now. But I managed to push that behind me, and start new, by moving in with my sister to London, and getting in a relationship which ended not long ago.

Only now had I realized that maybe it wasn't me at all. All this time I had been clothing my true self, when there was a another sociopath in front of me, his true self naked for everyone to see.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

"Yea, I'm good. Let's check the closet." I said snapping out of my thought and changing the subject. I hope it wasn't too obvious.

"Yes, she must have left us a clue, or something..." He said crawling inside.

"Anything?" I asked peeking over.

"There's a note." He said.

"What really?!" I said crawling over.

"Yes, but it's just numbers..."

"Numbers?" I looked over at the paper which read:



"What could it mean...think, think!" Sherlock told himself.

"Maybe it's code?" I suggested.

"No she wouldn't have time to code, she had to be quick..." He said placing his hand on his temple and closing his eyes.

"Quick...something that was memorized...used daily..." I thought aloud.

Sherlock stopped thinking and stared at me.

"Keep going." He said looking at me with much intrigue.

"What?" I said looking at him confused.

"Keep going...I need your help." He said.

"Okay...something she would need to use daily...what does she do daily...password to a website? No,she has no social media websites that I know of...what does she do everyday, or at least a lot of at Bart's! Bart's has 20 floors, not 23 so not a floor...a room? No the rooms are in sections from each floor numbered 1-20. What else is in numbers...lockers. Lockers range from 1-100 so 23 could be the number of her locker and the 45-60-25 could be her combination! What if she already knew she was being hunted and left a note in her locker before she came home?!" I said looking at Sherlock.

He was staring at me wordless.

"Um...Sherlock?" I asked hesitantly. Jesus, what if what I said was completely off?!

"Yes?" He asked snapping out of his gaze.

"I said, What if she already knew she was being hunted and left a note in her locker before she came home?" I said again.

"Well we'll know the answer to that after we check what's in her locker." He said smirking.

"Stop smirking, my sister just got abducted!" I said trying to sound serious.

"I can't." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm glad that I'm not the only one." He said putting on his gloves before standing up.

"What do you mean?" I asked, while standing up as well, completely confused.

"You." He said.

"Me." I said.

"Yes, you." He said before walking out the door.

"I don't understand." I said following behind.

"You don't need to." He said raising his arm up for a cab.

"Well,maybe I want to." I said.

"So do I." He said after we both got in the cab.

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