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We reached the bank and were waiting in line to talk to Moran, when Sherlock decided to converse with me.

"So tell me, why did he think you were cheating?" He asked.

"What?" I asked surprised by the sudden question.

"He cheated on you because he thought you were cheating on him, so why did he think you were cheating on him, or rather who?" He said.

"You." I said.

"He thought we were dating...obvious!" He said frustrated that he hadn't thought that.

"You were the only male who texted me besides him so there was a bit if confusion. Then when you came to visit Bart's on your cases he got mad and cheated on me in front of me...in my own flat...he was making out with another girl..." I took a breath and held back tears.

He just kept quiet and stared at me.

"What?" I asked with a lump in my throat, I had managed to hold back my tears, but it was obvious I was about burst into tears.

"I'll make him pay when I find him." Sherlock said before walking into Sebastian's office.

I followed behind and saw Sebastian.

"Y/N and Sherlock...what brings you two here?" He asked smiling.

I kept silent and looked over at Sherlock.

"Seb, I need information on Edmund." He said bluntly, it sounded like a demand.

"Edmund? Didn't you already finish that case with Edmund Zelch?" Sebastian said, confused.

"Don't play dumb." I said.

"You know what Edmund we are talking about." Sherlock said narrowing his eyes.

"My brother...he's in a bad group right now..." Sebastian said sighing.

"What 'group' ?" Sherlock said, emphasizing the word 'group'.

"A group of human traffickers." He said quietly.

"Sherlock, that means we were right!" I said looking at him excitedly.

"Yes, it does." He looked back at me with a smirk. "Sebastian I need you to text me everything about your brother and his 'group' or I will have you imprisoned for helping with the abduction of Molly Hooper." He said quickly before exiting the building.

"Bye." I waved before following behind Sherlock quickly.

"Come here." He stopped and grabbed my wrist, pulling me next to him.

"What,why?" I asked blushing.

"Your following behind me like puppy. Your not a puppy, your my..." He stopped before he could finish.

"I'm your what?" I said smiling and looking at him.

"F-Friend. Right?" He asked cautiously, stopping in the sidewalk and looking down at me intently.

"I hate to admit it...but yea." I smiled because he was being adorable.

"Good. That's good." He continued to walk, this time holding my hand.

"Aren't you cold? I mean you only have that complimentary purple shirt, you shouldn't have given me your coat--" I was cut off.

"No, I'm fine really." He said.

"Okay...so what do we do now?" I asked him.

"We have to wait for Sebastian's text." He said.

"Oh...well, where are we headed?" I asked again.

"I have no idea." He stopped walking.

"What?" I stared at him confused.

"I got distracted by holding your hand...won't happen again." He glanced around.

"I'm hungry." I said with my tummy grumbling.

"Let's eat at that burger place." He pointed to a small building.

"Yes!" I said excitedly, which caused him to chuckle.

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