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"E-Engaged?!" I repeated.

"Yes." He said, staring down into my eyes.

"Oh..." I said quietly, looking down.

"Y/N...your eyes...when was the last time you slept?" He said cupping my face and holding up so he could get a better look.

"Does it matter..." I said quietly, my eyes looking away from his face.

"It does. Look at me, Y/N. Please." He said, as rain dripped down from his hair onto his face.

I looked into his eyes, those beautiful grey-blue ones. I had missed his face so much these past days, it hurt so much that I forgot how much I loved him. I felt like I had betrayed him.

"I'm sorry..."I said, with my voice cracking and my eyes tearing up.

"Don't cry..." He said pulling me in for another hug, where I burrowed my face on his chest.

"Too late." I said quietly.

He sighed and took my hand gently.

I pulled away from his chest and wiped my tears with my free hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm gonna take you home." He said.

"No..." I protested.

"Quite acting like you have a choice." He said dragging me into a taxi.

After we both got in I didn't feel like speaking, I felt so guilty. The pain I must have put him through. I thought about how much he means to me, as I stared out the window of the cabbie.

I felt Sherlock's arm around me and he pulled me in so my head was rested on his chest.

"Sherlock what are you--" I was interrupted.

"Shh...just close your eyes." He said, stroking my hair.

I did as I was told and like that, I drifted of to sleep.

I was woken up by Sherlock shaking me.

"Y/N?" I heard him say.

"Mm...yes?" I asked, sitting up from what felt like my bed.

"I brought you some tea." He said placing it on the bedside table next to me.

"Thanks..." I said, only now realizing that he had hanged my clothes as well.

"Did you change my clothes?" I asked looking down at my shirt.

"Well...I couldn't leave you soaking wet..." He said, embarrassed.

So...he saw me...n-naked?!

My facial expression was that of surprised and embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. Really I am. I just didn't want you to get sick..." He said quickly, his face flushed red.

"It's okay..." I said, even though part of me was telling me it wasn't okay. It was probably my body.

"I'll um...I'll go get some uh..." He stuttered, looking for a way to escape the awkwardness.

"Biscuits." I said.

"Yea! Those..." He said, as he left.

After he brought some biscuits he sat on a chair beside my bed and we chatted about all sorts of things.

Deep inside of me, I still felt guilt. So I told him. I told him, how much guilt I felt for hurting him, if I did in any way.

"It's okay Y/N...really it is." He said, with a smile.

"No its not..." I said quietly.

"It is." He said, taking my hand and staring into my eyes.

"Oh, and Sherlock? There's something I've been really anxious to ask you..." I said looking down, shyly.

I was really glad that I could get the guilt off my chest but there was something else still bothering me.

"What's bothering you." He asked seriously, but it sounded more sweet.

"What's our relationship? I mean like...what am I to you?" I asked.

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