You Better Not Die

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My phone...they forgot to take my phone.

There was only one person I could phone at the moment.

"Molly...tell the other cell mate girls to hide me while I make a call." I whispered and she nodded, telling the other girls.

I quickly called Sherlock, and he picked up immediately.

"Y/N?" He asked.

"Sherlock, listen carefully. I was abducted as well, but don't worry i'm fine, I just need you to get us out of here." I said quietly.

"Alright. Tell me the address." He said in a serious tone, his voice was cracking a bit too. Was he worried?

"The address is the Silver Dolphin hotel in Cardiff, you know, the one near that restaurant we all went to that night but got kicked out?" I said.

"Yea..." He chuckled, but it sounded sad.

"They are gonna auction us off there tonight. I managed to piece out from cards sticking out of some of the guard's pocket's that it's at ballroom 7 on floor 9." I said quickly.

"I'll be there, I promise, sweetheart." He said, his voice cracking, making my heart ache.

"Okay..." I said smiling.

"I haven't been able to focus since you were never a distraction...I'm sorry." He said.

"You better not die..." I said chuckling with a tear coming out of my eye.

"Don't be absurd, I would never leave you alone, Y/N. Besides, those dolts are no match for me." He said trying to sound blunt.

"Bye." I said smiling.

"No, I'll see you later." He said correcting me.

"See you later." I said still smiling.

After I ended the phone call, Molly looked at me with a concerned expression.

"You okay? Y/N?" She asked sitting beside me on the floor where I had made the call.

"Yea..just sentiment." I said rolling my eyes.

"Sentiment?" She asked.

"Sentiment." I said again.

We were dressed up and driven to the auction at the hotel that night.

There was a stage and a man getting ready to auction girls off.

I saw Molly shivering and crying along with other girls backstage, and I couldn't comfort her because I was the first to be auctioned off.

"Our First Lady is...Y/N!" The auctioneer said cheerfully.

They forcefully pulled me on stage and I tried to spot Scotland Yard or Sherlock but I didn t see anyone of then in the huge crowd.

"Starting bid is one hundred thousand! You can do whatever you want with her!" He said, and strangers started bidding.

Sherlock...where was he?

I panicked a bit but then calmed down. He would be here soon, I believed in him.

A man won me for two million and I was in shock as I was taken away to his car by two giant men which I was no match against.

As I was getting in the car, I heard Scotland Yard burst in.

I was happy that nobody else would be auctioned off, but it would have been nice if I could have seen Sherlock's face one last time before...wait why am I talking bullshit like a weakling?

I was giving up way too quickly.

Who am I kidding, this looked pretty easy.

When those two big men put me in the car and left, the car started driving and the man who bought me stared at me, licking his lips.

I elbowed down on his crotch and hit the back of his neck, cracking it, causing a broken upper spine.

I learnt that from a Bruce Lee movie.

Next I saw the chauffeur glance at me worriedly and I pressed my right elbow down on his shoulder causing him to shudder, then I extended my left arm pulled his chin so his face was to the left, cracking his upper neck area.

Thank you Jackie Chan for teaching me that move.

I pushed his body away and hopped in the drivers seat, turning the car around.

I didn't have a license but I managed to figure out my way through a car, and how to drive it without crashing.

I drove back to Sherlock's flat which took two hours.

I knocked on the door to his flat, still in my nice auction clothing that had ripped a bit.

He opened the door, his eyes were red with sadness, looking dead, but when he saw me, his face lit up and he picked me up and twirled me around.

"Woah!" I said giggling.

"Brilliant!" He said smiling.

He put me down and pulled me in for a tight hug.

"I thought I lost you, my sweet." He said and I took in his wonderful scent of tobacco and coffee with a hint of sweetness.

"It was easier than I thought."I smirked.

"Of course." He said pulling away, but keeping hands on my waist staring down at me.

"Where's Molly, is she okay?" I asked.

He kept quiet.

"Sherlock?" I asked with concern.

He still kept quiet.

"Sherlock!" I said loudly.

"Some escaped...and one took Molly..." He said quietly.

"No..." I said my eyes welling up with tears.

"Y/N...don't you worry. Me and you will find her no matter what." He said putting his hands on my shoulders and staring into my teary eyes.

"You're right." I said blinking the tears away.

"It's a bit you want to sleep over?"

"If it's not too much trouble." I said.

He sat on the couch and patted his lap.

I yawned and rested my head on his lap, lying down on the couch, as he stroked my hair.

My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier with each stroke he did to my hair causing me to , eventually fall asleep.

All I could dream about was:

"We went through all that shit for nothing. When I find who took Molly...I'm gonna----------------------- and rip their--------then watch it burn---------------------------and eat chocolates with Sherlock while they-------------------."

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