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"Excuse me...but this isn't the way to my flat..." I told the cabbie, leaning forward.

"I know..." I heard him say.

"Oh it's you...Edmund." I said leaning back on my seat, looking out the window.

"Y/N...I didn't want to have to do this, but you cheated--" I interrupted him.

"I didn't cheat." I said loudly with my voice cracking.

"I heard it with my own ears Y/N!" He yelled.

"No...you misunderstood if only you had listened to me then this wouldn't be a problem. No...now I'm glad you did misunderstand, because nobody wants someone who doesn't trust them." I said with a tear coming out of my eye.

"Y/N..." He said slowly.

"You didn't even stop and think for once that I had told the truth before you brought her to my own flat..." I said quietly.

There was a silence, as I stared out the window.

"Do you know where I'm taking you?" He asked.

"No, but I know your gonna try and sell me...like you did with Molly." I said.

"Good. She hasn't been bought yet, so you won't get bored in the prisons." He said smirking.

When we arrived I was forcefully pulled out by Edmund and another man and thrown into a cell of an abandoned prison, filled with girls and men guarding them in case they try to escape.

I saw some of the guardsmen touching some of the girls as well.

I stood up and held the bars, looking at Edmund who was on the other side.

"Take me to Molly's cell." I said.

"Fine, but if you try to escape, she dies." He said letting me out and taking me to another cell filled with beat girls and Molly.

"Y/N!" Molly called out with tears and I pulled her into a tight hug.

"Molly! Are you okay?!" I said stroking her hair.

"I'm fine...but there's going to be an auction today..." She said, and I could see the red crying marks on her face.

"Don't worry...I'll think if something..." I said assuringly, but not quite assured myself.

Just then we heard our cell door gate and a man walked inside licking his lips,eyeing me.

"Hey babe, you new?" He said, attempting to put a hand on my cheek which I had slapped away.

"Feisty are we?" He said again, tightly grasping me by my waist and pulling me up against his torso.

"Let me go, you idiot!" I said looking away.

I could hear Molly start to cry as he tried to rip my shirt off, luckily he only ripped it a bit but not entirely.

I popped my knee up to his nuts and he groaned in pain on his knees. I then pushed my elbow down in a crane position on his pressure point, which was on his shoulders, causing him to scream. After that, I kicked his chin up and pressed my foot all the way down on the top of his neck so that I could stop his breathing.

What am I doing? This isn't me...is it?

"That's for ripping my shirt, bitch." I spat down at him.

Molly and the other cell girls looked at me in shock, with their mouth's agape.

The other guards didn't seen to care, so I had some more fun with the corpse, by kicking it around, to help me think of a plan to get out of here.

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