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This is my first wattpad and I'm learning as I go, so let me know what works or what doesn't okay? I'd really appreciate it 🙇‍♀️❤

Italics = thoughts. Okay, that's all!  Back to the story~

Y/N Pov:
I lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. My earlier tears had finally dried, leaving tracks on my cheeks. Normally I avoided crying at all costs, but today was special, and after it was over I would stop crying over him.

You can do this, Y/N, even if you don't want to.

Groaning, I sat up and scrubbed my face with my palms before trekking into the bathroom and washing my face. Somehow, feeling clean made everything feel easier. Or at least that's what I told myself. As I dried my face, I studied my reflection and winced.

Dark circles stained the skin under my eyes (because what is sleep?) and my cheeks had hollowed out since I'd stopped eating properly. This in turn made my pale ass look like a zombie. Great. And as if that wasn't enough, my eyes were puffy.

"I USED TO BE CUTE, DAMNIT!" I huffed. "It's okay, Y/N. Just get through this and then you can go back to being a potato and not this love-sick twit."

Smacking my cheeks, I left the bathroom. This was it. Today was the day I finally left my cheating lover, even if it broke me. He was my world, but I refused to be THAT girl. The one who let her heart keep her in a terrible situation. No, if he didn't want me anymore, fine. I'd disappear and let him be happy with someone else. Not like that would kill me or anything...

But now that everything was ready, I was stalling.


I pulled my messy hair into a high ponytail and ran through my checklist for the millionth time:
New apartment? Check.
Letter? Ready and waiting on the bedside table.
My replacement? Cleaning downstairs.
Belongings? Already in the new apartment.

Now all you have to do is leave.

*bzz bzz*

"Shit, I forgot to block his number."

Afraid of the name I would see on the screen, I gingerly picked up my phone and checked the message. Relief flooded through me when I realized it wasn't my fiancé. Not that he texted me anymore, anyway.

"We're here."

Nerves twisted my stomach into knots, but I tried ignoring them.

Just do it. Just walk down the damn steps and out the door.

Sucking in a breath, I headed for the bedroom door but paused in front of my bedside desk. There, I quickly removed my engagement ring and left it with the other items I wanted him to find. It felt like I was intentionally stabbing my own heart, but there was no other choice. It was obvious he'd stopped loving me, and I wasn't going to stay in a one-sided relationship anymore. If he could stop loving me, then I would find a way to stop loving him, too.

Keep telling yourself that, Y/N. You idiot.

As I made my way downstairs, all our memories from the past two and a half years assaulted me, making my vision cloud again. Why was walking suddenly so hard?

"Y/N-ssi..." A quiet voice stopped me in front of the door. "Don't go."

I smiled weakly, then turned to face the housekeeper I'd hired. "I have to, Eun-ji. It's better this way, trust me." The next words out of my mouth were the most painful, but they were the truth and I needed to accept them. "B-besides, with you here, he won't even notice I'm gone."

"But Y/N..." The older woman sighed, pulling me into a tight hug, "you love him."

I slammed my eyes shut against more tears. "Of course I do. But he doesn't, so now it's time I love myself." I squeezed Eun-ji back before pulling away and offering her a sad smile. "Do you remember the plan?"

She wiped the moisture from her own eyes and nodded. "Yes, and I have all the recipes and schedules you left me. Everything will stay the same."

"Mm". I handed her the apartment keys. "You have my number, so call me if you have questions...just make sure he doesn't find out."

"Yeah," she sighed. "Take care Y/N. Make sure you eat properly. You've lost too much weight."

I bowed deeply to her. Over the last month, she had quickly become like a favorite aunt or close friend. Leaving her was almost as hard as leaving him. "Thank you so much, Eun-ji. For everything."

When I was outside, I waited for the sound of the bolt sliding shut. When it had, I sucked in a shaky breath. Finally, it was over.

"Goodbye, Yoongi."


Outside, four of my best friends stood waiting for me, posing like models beside their black SUV. Each one stylish and sexy as hell. If only I had fallen for one of them...

"Ready?" They asked together, enveloping me in a group hug when I was close enough.

I nodded, afraid of speaking. If my voice cracked now I was doomed to more waterworks, and I refused to ugly cry in front of them. A girl could still have her standards, damnit.

"Good," their leader smiled; then he bent forward so his eyes were level with mine and said softly, "Now let's go eat. You look like a bag of bones."

Laughter erupted from the other members and this time I couldn't stop the snarky reply, "Asshole."

"Shut up, you love me."

I giggled as he ushered me into the SUV with the others.

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