*50K Special: Hide & Seek*

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A/N: Idek what this is, I'm sorry!! 😆😱😭🙈 THANK YOU AGAIN FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT 🥰🥰🥰❤💜❤💜❤💜

Announcer: *Ahem* Ma'am....Ma'am! That is not a toy! Put the Hobi Water down...Ma- NO! AISLE 7 IS NOT A BATHTUB!!!!.....😑

3rd Person Pov:
"Y/N!! Ah, shit!" Yoongi swore under his breath as he collided with a pile of empty boxes and nearly landed on his face, his girlfriend storming away from him without so much as a backward glance.

"Fuuuck." He groaned, watching her vanish down the hall before making a sharp turn into the lobby. There was no catching her now.

Grunting, he stood up and glared at the obstruction she'd managed to avoid. If it hadn't been for the death traps Namjoon had left lying around, he'd have been able to stop her. Withdrawing his phone, he dialed PD-nim to explain he'd be missing their meeting. He'd fucked up. Big time. And unless he fixed it immediately, his angry lover would keep walking. Right out of my life.

When he finished with with BangPD-nim, he called his manager and headed for the private entrance of BigHit. He didn't need anyone else seeing him chase after her. After all, he knew exactly where she would go.

"She's heading to the apartment. Don't let her leave."


Y/n slammed the door shut, huffing awkwardly as adrenaline made her shake. In the year they'd been together, she'd never once gotten this angry with him. "Min Yoongi, you asshole!" She seethed, slipping her shoes off.

"Just because my cousin's contact is listed as 'Perfect 😍' in my phone, you ASSUME I'm cheating?! WHAT THE HELL?!"

She checked the clock and marked the time. Nope. Screw it. I don't need this bullshit. You could have just talked to me, instead of accusing me. If that's the kind of person you think I am, then don't force yourself to be with me.

Stalking to their bedroom, she opened the closet and hauled out her suitcase. International dating was hard enough, but adding fame and insecurity to the mix was almost lethal. Tears burned her eyes as she removed her clothes and tossed them into the luggage. She trusted him, and the fact that he had been so quick to doubt her, broke her heart.


"We've sent every taxi she's called away, Yoongi-ssi."

Yoongi nodded as he tipped and thanked the apartment manager, then looked at his security. "Watch the doors in case she bolts."

My Y/n likes to run...

A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth as entered the elevator and pressed the floor number. What will you do, babygirl, with nowhere to run? But when he opened the door. Her suitcase sat beside the entrance, a small jacket and her purse waiting on top.

Oh, hell no.

Carefully he slid the lock into place, then  quietly checked her purse for her phone. Once he found it, he removed it and turned it off before putting it in his pocket. There was no way he would let her go without a fight.


Y/n looked out the living room windows, a headache growing even though she was resting against the cool glass and the view was spectacular.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW?!" She snapped. She'd called the manager from the apt line about her missing taxis, hoping Yoongi's name would scare him a little, but it wasn't working. Glancing back at the clock, she huffed. "Never mind." I'll take the bus.

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