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A/N: OMG YOU GUYS!!!! 😭😭😭😭❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ YOU ARE AMAZING!! THANK YOU SO MUCH 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️💜💜💜💜💜🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you!! I hope you continue to enjoy the story!!! ❤❤❤❤ (ps: long ch ahead 😅🤦‍♀️😘)

Y/N Pov:
"For fuck's sake," I hissed, my feet braced against the bed frame as I leaned back and pulled against the chain, "break...already YOU...PIECE....OF SHI-OW!!!"

I dropped my feet and slid closer to the bed, giving my arm a rest, but wiggled my fingers to speed up blood flow. My digits were a rather unhappy red and it was gross. Over the course of what felt like hours, I had twisted myself into different positions on the bed and floor to try and snap the chain, but nothing worked. All I managed to do was rub the delicate skin so raw it was now oozing blood.

Not that that was important. Besides, after that (episode?) with Yoongi earlier, there was no way I would stay here and wait for him to...calm down? Act normal? No. We'd been together long enough that I could read the personas he used for work and the mood shifts that came with them, but this was not one of them.

This was stranger danger. Daddy? Kitten? Like hell.

I was not sticking around for another meeting with that guy. I just had to figure out how to get out of here and stay awake long enough to avoid any more sneak attacks.

"Except you're exhausted, jet lagged, and Yoongi definitely has the advantage since he can go days without sleeping properly because Idol life is insane." I groaned, resting my head against the edge of the bed.

Stop it, Y/N. Now is not the time to be negative. There's one last thing you can try and it's gonna hurt, so focus.

Repositioning myself, I took a deep breath and sat cross-legged on the floor, my face against the mattress in case I needed to muffle myself.

Ugh. This is such a bad idea.

Gingerly, I raised both hands. My left was already swelling, so if I was going to do this it had to be now, or I'd miss my chance. Using my right hand, I began manipulating the thumb of the left, tugging and wiggling it to soften the joint.

Jimin, Jin and I used to have flexibility competitions when Yoongi and I first started dating, and while Jimin always won, I could freak the two out with my ability to shift certain joints in and out of place - like my thumbs.

Biting the edge of the mattress, I worked the digit until there was an audible pop and a searing pain exploded in my hand. Yelling into the mattress and fighting the sudden tears, I slid the handcuff off and immediately shifted my thumb back into place. With a whimper, I wiggled it to make sure I hadn't damaged a nerve and sighed in relief.

That's gonna hurt for days, though. Great.

For several minutes I focused on taking slow, steady breaths, and when it was manageable, stood up. Quickly, I opened the blinds and as expected, I was in a high rise apartment. Judging by the bright sunshine outside it was mid-day or close to it.

Which means I've been here at least 6 hours and haven't seen or heard anyone except Yoongi. Not at the dorm, then.

Surprisingly, the room wasn't as empty as I had thought. A large bed I never wanted to see again, a small bedside table with a lamp, a closet, dresser, an empty bookcase bolted to the floor, and a door that led to...


After I relieved myself, I washed my hands (being very careful with my left) then my face. A quick check revealed there was absolutely nothing I could use as a weapon in the bathroom.

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