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A/N: *Ahem* Hear ye, hear ye!

The post after this will get *DARK* and include TriggerWarnings for: Assault, violence, attempted male sexual assault.

You have been warned 😱🤫

Yoongi's Pov:
A soft giggle drifted from behind me as the exit door closed. "Hi Opppa~"

My eyes widened at the familiar voice and my stomach plummeted, nausea and dizziness washing over me as things finally clicked into place. Joy.

Of all of my exes, she'd been the worst. Clingy and obnoxious, she'd constantly tried weaseling her way into my daily life when I'd never wanted her there. She'd tried everything she could think of to force us together...even going so far as to spread rumors we were secretly engaged. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the memory. As if I'd marry someone like her. She'd been an easy fuck when I needed it. That was all. She wasn't even that good. 

It had taken some quick legal work on BigHit's part to keep the gossip sites from announcing it, but much longer to end it with Joy. No matter what I said or did, she kept coming back. It was only when Y/n had entered my life that Joy had left me alone. Or so I thought.

Turning, I narrowed my eyes and spoke carefully. If my temper got away from me, there was a chance I'd snap her slender little neck before finding out where Y/n was.

"Where's Y/n?" I growled, silently wondering how long it would take Tae and the others to get here. With sasaengs (famous or not) more help was always better than none.

The smile on her face vanished, and was instantly replaced with an ugly scowl that ruined her pretty face. "Y/n, Y/n, Y/n." She snapped, spitting the name. "You're always so focused on Y/n. Fine. Let's go see her, baby boy."

Before I could blink, she raised her hand and fired something at my chest. A loud crackling filled the air before my body seized and I collapsed on the groud, unable to do anything but stare ahead.

Shit. She's more prepared than I anticipated. Hurry up, guys.

Joy crouched in front of me and stroked my face, her fingers tracing the curve of my cheek. "Don't worry, Oppa~ After tonight, we can be together again."

If I'd been able to, I would have vomited. I may have an Oppa kink in the past, but hearing her say it killed it for me. Leaning back, she pulled something from her pocket and slipped it over my eyes.


Y/n's Pov:
I came awake with a groan. My head felt like it weighed more than double it's normal weight and what little light there was in the room, made me squint. Even the light hurts.

"So you didn't die, after all." A voice said quietly from my side. "Pity. You'll wish you were dead by the time she's done with you."

I know that voice...

Slowly, carefully, I turned and looked at its owner, confused by the face I found looking ahead.

"E-Eun-ji?" I frowned. Why was my tongue so heavy? What's happening?

Just as I'd formed the words of my next question, a hand swung round and connected with my face, snapping my head to the side. Without meaning to, I squeaked at the sudden pain and tried lifting my hand to the stinging skin.

Tried being the operative word.

My hands were secured tightly to a wooden chair by a set of zip ties that left my fingertips feeling numb. Eun-ji rolled her eyes as I struggled against the restraints.

"Don't bother. She won't make it easy for you." Spinning, she gripped my wrists and faced me. "Just remember. You deserve this. You brought this on yourself." Shoving away from me, she stood up and began walking away. "If not for you, none of this would have happened."

Tears pricked the back of my eyes but I refused to let them fall, focusing instead on the metallic taste in my mouth.

"I don't know what the hell is going on," I whispered as I flicked my tongue over the wound at the corner of my mouth, the image of Jungkook falling to his knees filling my mind. They stabbed him. "But there's no way in hell I'm just gonna sit here and play damsel in distress." I took in my surroundings.

There's got to be a way out of here...


Yoongi's Pov:
Even though Joy kept the blindfold over my eyes as she dragged me into a room, I could still pick up a few things. First was the cold night air. Wherever we were, the windows were open or there was little insulation. Second was the accustics, the sound carried throughout the room and made me tjink of wide open spaces we often used for video shoots. Lastly, we weren't alone.

As the sound of Joy's heels clicked throughout the room, I could heard a duller, harder sound of something getting hit.

"Here you go, baby." Joy cooed, shoving me into a chair and tying my hands to its arms before yanking the blindfold off.

"NGGHH!" I tired yelling, but my ability to speak hadn't come back yet, even after the drive from the club.

An older woman stood panting in front of me, her back and shoulders heaving as she took in deep breaths. But I didn't care about her. It was the woman bleeding in the chair that worried me.

Y/n was seated and bound like I was, her wavy hair plastered against her face as blood dripped from her mouth, her nose, her cheeks and her head. Whomever was standing in front of her had obviously given her quite the beating, and judging by the blood their own hands were dripping, it had been going on for a while.


From my current position, it was impossible to tell if Y/n was conscious, let alone breathing, and while I desperately wanted to see her eyes shining back at me, I knew she would be in pain if she was awake. Still, I could make out the shallow rise and fall of her chest and felt a tiny brush of relief. She was breathing.

"Isn't it lovely, baby?" Joy hummed, stepping in front of me and touching the other woman's shoulders, making her stop her assault on Y/n. "Everyone is together again~"

When the older woman turned, I felt bile rise in the back of my throat. Eun-ji. How the hell did this happen?!

Wiping at the sweat on her face, Eun-ji bowed to me and smiled politely at Joy. "Min-nim."

Fuck you.

There was little I could do besides glare, but I made sure both women could see the fury in my eyes. I would get out of this chair, and when I did, I would make sure they never saw the light of day again.

A quiet gurgle shifted everyone's attention to Y/n, and my heart sank as her eyes fluttered open, her head lolling to the side as she watched us. Tears filled my eyes as I silently begged my body to respond. All I wanted to do was scoop her into my arms and protect her. Take her away from her and make sure nothing could ever hurt her again.

"Ngh...is t-that the best you....c-can do?" She huffed, the effort to speak obviously taking a toll on her.

Joy's smile faltered before she turned and faced Y/n. "Not at all~" she pulled Eun-ji away and backhanded my baby's already bloodied face. "We're just getting started." She giggled and looked at me.

"I hope you're comfortable. Yoongi-Oppa and I are going to give you a great show."

My eyes shifted to Y/n, and I saw my own question reflected back at me.

What the hell does that mean?


A/N: Sooo....if I've been able to make you feel ANYTHING at all during this book....expect the next posts to be much, much worse.....🤫🙃😈 We're going on a ride. I LOVE YOU!!! 🙈🙈🙈❤❤❤❤

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