Beg (Pt.1)

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A/N: You guys are so amazing 😆😆😆 I love you!!! ❤❤❤ Thank you so, so much for reading this and going on this story adventure with me~~🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🥰🥰🥰 I promise to try make it worth your time 💜❤💜❤💜 And thank you for the comments and votes!!! You're support and feedback really makes this worthwhile. 감사합니다~~🥰🥰🥰🥰
(long ch ahead, 민 😅)


Yoongi's Pov:
Each time I refreshed the screen, I expected to see a different message. Instead, the same words kept taunting me.

[EJ: She ran away]

Why is it, babygirl, you insist on disobeying me? Don't you realize you're just making things worse?

I typed a reply to Eun-ji and rose from my chair, ignoring the murmurs from the others in the room. Technically, the review meeting with PD-nim about the Asia tour hadn't finished, but I was done. There were more important things to do.

Like find my troublesome Kitten.

"Hyung?" Hobi asked, his bright smile fading when he saw my face.

I ignored him and left the room, more focused on which of her favorite places Y/N would have run off to. The answer was obvious and it made me seethe. Of course she would run to them. Not long ago it would have been Jin or Jungkook she sought out, but as I distanced myself from her, she distanced herself from them. Now it was EXO and Sehun Oppa she relied on. They had become the family we were supposed to be. My knuckles tightened as I wondered if any of them had tried replacing me.

If any of them has-

"Relax, Hyung." Hobi muttered from beside me, making me jump. I hadn't even realized he was following me. "Whatever is going on, I'll help you." He chuckled and ran his hand through his hair when my eyebrows drew together.

"Ah, jinjja! I know Y/N is the only one who can make you look like that." He pointed at my scowl, "Somethig must have happened, so come on, we don't want to wait another five months do we?"

End Flashback

I stared at the figure on the floor and made another fist. "Shit."

Baekhyun was out cold, splayed like a starfish on the floor. PD-nim would kill me if he found out I'd gotten into another incident like this.

Especially since Baekhyun is an idol...

But when it came to Y/N, I couldn't help myself, and he knew it. Everyone at BigHit did. They'd realized very quickly that any man who talked as if they knew her better than me, and wasn't in BTS or related to her, was asking for me to snap. That today it happened to be Baekhyun...what other outcome did he expect?

Friends or not, you've spent too much time around my Y/N.


Y/N's Pov:
"Kyungsoo-ssi, plea-" I begged shaking my head, not that it worked. Do Kyungsoo was impossible to sway. The man was more of a sadist than Bacon and Sehun and that was saying something.


"I'm really full." I pouted, eying the second bowl of soup he'd set in front of me. "I can't eat anymore."

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