*Yoongi: Meet.....cute?*

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Yoongi's Pov:
Frustrated, I ran a hand through my hair and tried calming down. This was not how I wanted to spend my Friday night, but if I didn't, Pd-nim would chew me out again for my attitude around Y/n.

It wasn't that I didn't like her, I just didn't trust her. We'd been burned enough in the past from people taking advantage of us (especially as we became more popular) that we were all a little cynical about new partnersships. Besides, everyone in this industry has an agenda, and the last thing we need is for someone to get hurt.


"Just give her a chance, Yoongi-ah." Pd-nim sighed, steepeling his fingers while we talked in his office. He'd already spoken with Jin after yesterday's incident at the fitting, and now it was my turn. As if talking to Jungkook-ah last night hadn't been hard enough. "Y/n-ssi is a talented designer," he huffed, "and instead of working with her friends at SM, she agreed to come here. As a favor."

"......." To who? Us? Why did we need her to do us a fa-

"And don't be so hard on Jungkook-ah." He said, eyeing me over his glasses and cutting off my thoughts. "It's not like this is anything serious."

"That's the point," I sighed, frustrated again. "He's still a kid! His heart's never been broken before, Pd-nim. Not like regular people. Are we just supposed to let him get hurt? For a foreigner who won't stick around very long?" The thought made me sick. He deserved better.

"Yoongi-ah, relax. I don't think Jungkook-ah is that serious. He's just getting to know her. If anything, it's puppy love or a crush. He'll get over it. And if he ever meets IU, I'm sure he'll forget all about our Y/n-ssi."

His words made sense, but I couldn't stop myself from worrying. Despite a few flings, he'd never been in a real relationship. None of us had, but we'd seen plenty of friends brought down by love or secret relationships made public. It would kill him if it happened to him.

"And as for Y/n-ssi, you should get to know her. She's very nice, and..." his face softened, "I think she has a bright future here in Korea. Talk to her and make things right between you two. I need all the memebers of this team to work well together."

End Flashback...

Sighing, I rolled my shoulders and left the elevator toward the office Pd-nim had set up for her. At least most of the staff had gone home for the day. This was awkward enough without extra people hanging around to gossip.

RM had assured me Y/n usually worked late and would be easy to find. Next to the maknae line, he was the member she talked with the most. Probably because he speaks English. "She's kind of a workaholic, like you and Jimin-ah. She's always here."

Yeah, right. It's after 10pm, she should have gone home by now.

But as I turned into the last corner, my stomach clenched. The light from her office was shining through her doorway at the end of the hall, and soft music drifted through the air. She's still here. For a second I debated going back to my genius lab, before narrowing my eyes and walking forward. "What's there to be afraid of?" I hissed. "She's just a girl."

Worst case scenario, they use last year's measurements for my outfits. Just as I paused outside her doorway to knock, an agrivated voice yelled, making me jump back.

"YAH! Y/N-AH, I DID NOT BUY YOU FOOD FOR YOU TO NOT EAT IT!" Sehun's voice boomed.

Why is he yelling at her in Korean? Doesn't he know she doesn't spe-

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