Kookies & Tea (Pt. 1)

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A/N: Hi lovelies!!! OMG 3 VOTES & 90+ VIEWS?!? 😭😭😭 THANK YOU 🥰🙇‍♀️❤
I hope you're enjoying the story💜💜💜 and I hope you're thirsty, we're getting some tea & a little smut in this chapter (pt 2) 🙃🤫 Enjoy~~


Jungkook's Pov:

Sehun disappeared down another hallway, making me skid and crash into a wall as I sprinted after him. I'd managed to follow him without being noticed, but unfortunately the building's security was more attentive than he was. And my black hoodie and lack of guest list status were enough to make me their favorite person right now. I'd just managed to avoid getting caught in the lobby but if he didn't stop soon, I was screwed.

The elevator chimed and the hall was filled with the squeak of multiple shoes on the tile floor.


I sprinted down the hallway, my hoodie falling back as I chased after Sehun. If the media caught wind of this, PD-nim would kill me. I rounded the next corner and collided with a hard wall, crashing to the ground in a tangle of limbs.


"WHAT THE-?!" an angry voice yelled, the owner's voice shoving me off of their body.

I looked up and smiled my bunny smile. Please don't kill me.

"Oh hey, Sehun."


Y/N's Pov:
The sudden crashing thud from the front door made me spill my coffee down my shirt and as I swore, two familiar voices swearing with me.

The hell...

I rushed to the door and opened it, my mouth falling open at what I saw. Jungkook lay sprawled across Sehun's middle, both boys tangled up in each other in a way fangirls would have killed to see. Sehun though was death glaring so hard I was worried Jungkook might actually melt from the intensity of it. Surrounding them tasers drawn, was a branch of the security team, huffing and sweating from what I assumed had been a chase.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.


I glanced at the younger of the two and pursed my lips. Every pair of eyes in the hallways glanced back at me and I sighed. He beamed that bunny smile at me and I fought the instinct to smile back.

"Noona! What are you doing here?"





30 minutes later I dropped onto the couch and picked up my now-cold coffee, nearly whimpering when I drank it. It had taken an exceptional amount of apologizing to get security to forgive the disruption and not press charges against Kookie for trespassing and causing a scene. At least the apartment's iron-clad privacy clause meant this wouldn't make it to the gossip sites. This building was famous for protecting it's residents and their secrets.

I'll make sure the company buys them something nice...maybe a bonus...or lunch....new shoes? Fuuuuck. What do you buy security guards as an apology for a rambunctious bunny-man?!

"N-noona?" Bunny-man asked, looking at me sadly. He'd been making puppy eyes at me since I'd brought him inside.

I held up a finger to keep him quiet, finised my coffee and got up to make another one. However Sehun had read my mind and handed me a fresh mug.

"Thank you." I smiled, humming in delight at the perfection he'd made.

"Don't worry about it." He glared at Kookie. "You-"

I patted Sehun's arm before he could lecture the youngest. He'd already glared at him and given him the silent treatment, what more did he want? Besides, I couldn't hold a grudge against Kookie to save my life.

"Thirsty?" I asked, finally offering the golden maknae a smile.


Jungkook's Pov:
The moment she smiled, I beamed back, knowing I was forgiven.

"Tea?" I asked with aegyo. It was impossible for her to resist it and even though I hated her thinking of me as a child, I would take whatever worked if she would just talk to me again.

Blushing, Y/N nodded, set her cup down and turned the water kettle on. I watched her without saying a word as she moved around the modern kitchen. The floor-to-ceiling windows filled the room with mid-morning light and spectacular views of the city, making the metal and cement features gleam. Wood floors muffled the sound of her slippers, and gave the room a warm and cozy feeling.

And considering how Sehun is glaring at me right now, anything that can make this place feel cozy is impressive.

The living room walls were dotted with a few photographs of Y/N's family, and bright, soft blankets lay across the backs of her couch and chairs. But it was the two plushies in the corner that made me chuckle out loud. No matter how old and mature Y/N was, she could be just as much of a kid as me.

I glanced back her, ignoring Sehun, and narrowed my eyes.

Her wavy hair was pulled into a ponytail that accented her cute nose and large hazel eyes. And while she always looked great in a pair of ripped jeans and baggy shirt, today they seemed looser on her. When she handed me the tea and sat down across from me, I could see how sharp her collar bones were against her pale skin.

"Noona...what's going on?" I noticed the way her bright eyes darkened, but continued anyway, needing answers. "Why did you leave Y-us without saying anything? Why won't you talk to us anymore?"

I stopped myself from saying hyung's name, but my mind screamed at me anyway, wishing I would ask the real questions.

Why did you stop talking to me? Why did you leave me, too?

"Yah! Jeon Jungkook, mind your own business." Sehun snapped stalking over to us and sitting on the couch beside Y/N.

My ears burned as jealousy and irritation tainted my blood. Sehun was acting very close with her lately, and I didn't like it. His post's caption flashed through my mind and my grip tightened on my mug.

Y/N smiled gently and shook her head and squeezed Sehun's hand. When she spoke, her voice was soft and sad.

"It's okay...he's right. I shouldn't punish others for his mistakes."

When her eyes met mine, I was caught off guard by the tears in them. Y/N never cried in front of anyone. Ever.

"I'm sorry, Kookie."

Without thinking, I pulled her into a hug and held her tight. "It's okay," I mumbled into her hair, "just talk to me. Tell me what happened."

Sehun sighed and got up from his seat. "It's a messy story. I'll make more tea."

"Jungkook-ah..." Y/N pulled back and shook her head. "It's not...you won't like it....are-"

I tapped her nose and smiled. "I'm sure. Now explain."


A/N: Annnd that's part 1 🙃 what did you think?? There's some intense Yoongi stuff coming up in pt 2 (and smut you thirsty army) so get a little holy water and maybe a tissue box ^_~ Good night and thank you for reading!! 😁💜🙇‍♀️❤ See you tomorrow!!

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