Kookies & Tea (Pt. 2)

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A/N: Long chapter ahead, sorry!! For reference: (y/f/c) = your favorite color. And just to be clear this is fiction, so don't take it personally 🙇‍♀️😘💜

You already know this is mature. I just giving you a chance in case...you know...no? Okay. Let's go.


Y/N's Pov:
Picking up my coffee, I took a large sip before I told him about the worst night of my life. "Very well...."

The hotel was crawling with security. Inside, outside, tucked away in gardens and parking garages. They checked everything, even some poor woman's dog carrier. I fidgeted nervously, glancing around the lobby as the man behind the counter talked on the phone. If any of my friends in the entertainment industry saw me here, it would take exactly .02 seconds to reach Yoongi.

I'd probably have been arrested for stalking. Oh god.

Finally, the man hung up and eyed me up doubtfully. He probably still thought I was a prostitute but whatever, his opinion didn't matter. I had a surprise to execute.

"You're friend is on his way."

I bowed politely. "Kamsahamnida."


PD-nim grinned in front of the suite he'd reserved for me, his excitement obvious. "Try not to keep him up too late, Y/N-ah. He's tired enough as it is."

I flushed like a tomato at his comment, and struggled to reply, but he laughed and ushered me inside.
"Goodnight, Y/N-ah. Remember the door connecting your rooms is unlocked, so time it well or Yoongi-ah will lock it before you can get in."

"N-ne. G-goodnight."I bowed, still beet red. "Thank you for all your help."

"Anything for my boys." He chuckled.

I watched him disappear down the hallway before I remembered I had things to do and time was running out.

Shit, get moving girl!

Closing the door and locking it, I set my travel bag on the bed and glanced at the clock. According to the display, it was just after 7pm.

Perfect. That's just enough time.

3 hours later, I was ready. Adrenaline made me shake a little as I applied the final sweep of lipstick. Usually I avoided makeup, but tonight was special and Yoongi was worth the effort.

Even if I am a potato. He can't say I didn't try.

Stepping away from the mirror, I gave myself one last check, then nodded in approval. Not horrible.

(Y/F/C) lingerie hugged my figure perfectly and complemented my skin tone, making me feel a little more confident about my appearance. My hair fell down my back in waves, just the way Yoongi liked so he could play with it. The man had a strange habbit of playing with it whenever it was loose, and it made me soft. Nude high heels made my legs longer and the extra height would be perfect. I wouldn't have to stand on my toes to kiss him.

I wrapped my robe around myself and dotted a tiny bit of my perfume on my neck. He always said he loved the smell and I wanted him to enjoy everything about tonight. The dress I had thought about wearing hung on the bathroom door but I decided against it. The fabric made too much noise and Yoongi would know I was there before I was ready.

Let's do this!

I opened the door in my room that lead to his and was about to press the handle down when I heard the main door of his room open.

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