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Yoongi's Pov:
I woke up to Jin and Namjoon laughing, then glanced down and swore. The soft warmth I'd been hugging wasn't Y/N, but a spare pillow. Grunting I shoved it away and ignored the sudden ache in my chest, if only it was Y/N.

It had been almost two weeks since I'd spoken with her and well over a month since I'd seen her. Not that she expected much of me during a comeback, but the truth was I had been avoiding her.

If she ever found out what happened at the MAMAs, she'd never forgive me. And I refused to live without her. Still, I was probably pushing her patience. Y/L/N Y/N put up with a lot, but even she had her limits.

"It's fine." I mumbled, getting up. "I'll see her this weekend."


Hobi, Jin, Namjoon, and I were waiting for the maknae line when the two youngest sprinted into the room.

"Yah!" Jin yelled. "No running in the house!"

"Where's Jimin?" Tae asked, looking pale. I frowned at him, he had toothpaste around his mouth. Had he even showered yet?

"He's probably in his room checking his phone." Namjoon said frowning at the two youngest. "Why, what's wrong?"

"Nothing!" they shouted before shoting Jin an apologetic look and rushing past us.

Jin shot up from his seat. "YAH!"

The ammount of noise he could make this early in the morning was astonishing. "Let them go," I said, gesturing for him to sit. "It might be important."

"They should listen to their elders" he huffed.

Namjoon nodded, patting Jin's back. "Yoongi's right, let it go. Maybe there's another rumor about his dating life."

Hoseok grinned. "Or a game release."

I shook my head at them all and picked up my chopsticks. When my phone pinged, I swore. What was the point in getting up early if there were all these distractions preventing me from eating? I'd be better off  resting until it was time to leave. Pulling it out I glared at the screen. Anyone stupid enough to message me this early deserved to die.


His message contained a link to an article by a popular tabloid site. The caption suggested one of EXO's members had a girlfriend based on photos taken last night.

The fuck....why would I care about this garbage?

Just as I was typing my response, he sent me another message. This one was a screenshot. Of Y/N.

My heart slammed my ribcage and I suddenly found myself struggling to breathe correctly. Sehun had posted the photo to his Instagram. Last night. While Y/N was supposed to be asleep. With...with a smiley heart emoji?!

OH HELL NO. I'll kill him...

Furious, I clicked the link and scanned the article. Paparazzi had grainy photos of a couple standing outside a luxury restuarant. In one instance, the woman was wrapped in the man's arms resting her head on his chest. In another he was bent low, whispering in her ear. Or kissing her cheek. It was hard to tell. My breathing rate doubled at the thought. The rest included other members of Exo entering and exiting the restaurant and the whole group entering an SUV.

No, Y/N wouldn't do this. She loved me and would never betray me. But...the couple in the article was wearing the same clothes she and Sehun we wearing in his post. My knuckled turned white around my phone. Even though I knew she was good friends with everyone in Exo, this suggested a deeper relationship between the two.

And what the fuck does "Congratulations" mean?!

Closing the picture, I left Kihyun's messsge and found Y/N's.

Babygirl, you're in for a world of hurt.


"Yah! Y/L/N Y/N, where are you?"

It was early, but I knew she kept her phone on in case of emergencies with her family. The notification came far too quickly.

[Message not sent. This user has blocked you.]

I stared at the screen. EXCUSE ME??!

Slowly, I double checked the recipient and sent another one.

[Message not sent. This user has blocked you.]

.....Y/L/N FUCKIN Y/N, DO YOU WANT TO DIE?! (a/n: he doesn't actually want to kill her, it's just a figure of speech 😇 *hides*)

As I scrolled our chat my hands shook the anger faded to fear.

"Good morning, Yoongi-ah."

"Have a good day, baby~~"

"I love you."

"Goodnight baby, sleep well."

"I miss you."

"I hope you are taking care of your health. Don't skip meals and make sure you get enough rest."

"Yoongi-ah, I know you're busy, but can you  come home? We can have a date night~ I'll make lamb skewers and we can watch a movie..."

"Yoongi, are you mad at me? Have I done something wrong?"

The last message I'd sent her said we would talk later. We never did. Eventually Y/N stoped messaging me and I hadn't even noticed. Shit.

I could barely think as I tried calling her, but it was immediately dropped. Without a word, I stormed from the kitchen, my mind going wild.

"Hyung?" Namjoon asked, quickly following me with the others. "Where are you going?"

Jin narrowed his eyes, sensing something was wrong. "Yoongi-ah?"

I ignored them and walked out of the apartment, slamming the door behind me.

Poor Yoongi...I plan on making him suffer, for a little while at least because he makes me suffer 🙃😅.

What do you think? I hope you are enjoying it 💜 Oh! Does anyone knows how to do those text screenshots on android? See you soon~

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