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The Next Morning

Jungkook's Pov:

My mouth hung open as I stared at my phone, not believing what I was seeing. This didn't make any sense. Y/N was as private about her personal life as an idol, even though she wasn't one of us. She hardly ever let anyone post pictures of her.

I refreshed my sns feed several times to make sure I wasn't crazy, but every time it reloaded, the same image came up.


If Yoongi-hyung saw this, he would lose his shit. He might show the public his quiet and goofy sides, but we knew better. There was a terrifying anger in him that he kept tightly leashed. And while it had gotten better with time (especially since he started dating Y/N), she was also his trigger. The last time someone had gotten this close to her, they'd ended up needing stitches and BigHit had paid a hefty sum to keep it quiet.

If he saw this there was no telling what he would do.

Worried, I rushed to the bathroom and shut the door behind me, locking it so no one could surprise me and the blonde currently brushing his teeth.


"What?" Still sleepy, he didn't bother opening his eyes.

I marched towards him and shoved my phone in his face. "LOOK AT THIS!!" I hissed.

Tae blinked lazily at the screen until his brain registered what it was seeing. Then he choked, spewing toothpaste across the mirror as he coughed.

"Y-Y/N?! No way!" He yanked the phone from my hands and stared at the screen.

"I know!" I groaned. "What should we do?"

His eyes were the size of plates when he looked at me. "Call her," he whispered. "Now. And don't tell Yoongi."

We glanced back at the picture Sehun had posted to his instagram the night before. Y/N was seated at a dinner table in a beautiful dress sandwiched between Sehun, Chanyeol, Suho, and Baekhyun, smiling brilliantly as the boys crushed her in a hug. Directly in front of her was a small cake with "congratulations" written across it. But that wasn't what concerned us. What worried us was the empty space on her hand where hyung's engagement ring was supposed to be and the simple "😍" Sehun had used to caption the post.

And we weren't the only ones. It was only 6.30 in the morning and there were already a few thousand comments from EXO-Ls.

Noona....what are you doing? Don't you know how angry hyung will be when he sees this?

"Well?!" Tae asked, ten minutes later, staring at me as I tried calling her. The more nervous he got, the louder his voice became.

"Shhh!" I punched the redial button. "She might be at work already. She's not answering." Sure enough, her sweet voice filled my ear asking me to leave a message and she would call me back. I quickly hung up then sent her another text. Why wasn't she responding?

"Shit." Tae hissed. "Okay, it's still early and Yoongi-hyung never goes on sns anyway, maybe he won't see it. All we need to do is distract him until after you've talked to her."

I nodded. It wouldn't be hard. We were scheduled to spend all day in the studio and hyung practically lived there during comebacks, anyway.

"YAH!" Jin yelled from the kitchen, bringing us back to reality. "COME EAT!"

Tae and I glanced at each other nervously before we walked to the door. Suddenly he grabbed my arm.


He glanced at the door before looking at me. "Jimin" he whispered.

It took exactly two seconds to realize what he was thinking, and the moment it did we sprinted for the door. If Jimin told Suga what we saw before I could speak with Y/N, we were all dead.

"JIMINNNNNN!!!!" We yelled, running through the halls.

A/N: Hi! Thank you so much for reading 🙇‍♀️💜😍 What do you think? Is the length okay? Should I go longer? I don't want them to be boring 😅

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