*Kookie: Still With You*

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A/n: A certain someone asked for an update and I know you're going to hate me for this, but...It's a rainy day & this is a beautiful song. So please allow me to attack your feels 🙃😇❤

😏🤫 7 😘🙃😈❤

Have any of you seen the gif? Just checking 🙃😘😇


Jungkook's Pov:
The airport was crowded with Army screaming my name as I hurried past, my security detail doing their best to protect me from the crushing number of people blocking the way. Still, the camera flashes made it hard to see and a few fans got too close, pulling on my clothes in their excitement.

Clenching my jaw behind my mask, I yanked myself free before anything could happen and silently cursed whoever had leaked my flight information. The return from Amsterdam was supposed to be a secret since the other members were still filming the Bon Voyage package, but a sasaeng had leaked it after I declined their marriage proposal during my last Vlive.

So much for being honest. Jin-hyung never had this problem. Maybe I should have let them think I was dating Lisa...

Suddenly the outside noise quieted and the music that had been pumping through my headphones almost deafened me. Swearing violently, I nearly collided with one of my bodyguards as I fumbled to removed the earbuds, only to realize he'd stopped dead in tracks just like the fans' screaming.

What th-

"Kookie! Over here!" The familiar voice shot straight through me and my heart flipped inside my chest.

That faint voice of yours that grazed me
Please call my name one more time
I’m standing under the frozen light, but
I’ll walk step by step towards you
Still with you.

Y/n stood ahead of us, one arm lifted in greeting while the other kept her daughter, Hyewon, cocked on her hip. The warmth in her smile made all my thoughts scatter my heart squeezed painfully until the sudden roar of the crowd brought me back to reality.

Cursing, I hurried over before the enthusiastic mob could rush her. Ever since Yoongi-hyung had introduced her at the concert where he'd proposed, she'd become as famous as an idol - no matter how hard she tried to avoid the spotlight and all the benefits and dangers that went along with it.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed into her ear, wrapping a protective arm around her shoulders so I could guide her outside.

There were too many people here, and even though she was carrying a child that didn't mean she was safe. She shot me an apologetic smile as the crowd screamed and followed after us, pointing out the Suv waiting by the curb amid the flashing paparazzi cameras.

"Picking you up? I thought it was supposed to be a secret." She huffed, covering Hyewon's eyes protectively with her hand.

Rolling my eyes, I tightened my grip on her and headed for the vehicle, ignoring the questions the paparazzi were throwing at us. "Yeah." I grunted, opening the passenger door and sliding into my seat as she went around to the driver's side. "Tell that to my sasaeng."

Y/n laughed from the passenger door as she carefully clipped a squirming Hyewon into her safety seat, before shutting the it and taking her place behind the wheel. "Bad Kookie!" She teased, starting the engine. "What did you do this time?"

"The usual." I faked a smile and wiggled me fingers at her. "Remember? I'm the iternational playboy~"

She rolled her eyes at me. "Such a tease."

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