Tell me

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Jungkook's Pov:
Stalking people is hard, but if you're desperate enough, it's worth it I guess, and I'm desperate. PD-nim had given us all a few days vacation until Yoongi-hyung was "beter".

But what's better? When he had Y/N, he ignored her and never went home, choosing to work instead; and now that he didn't have her, he couldn't work. Maybe love just makes you crazy, not realizing what you have or want until it's gone.

And because of it I was following Sehun, hoping he would lead me to Y/N. If I could talk to her, find out why she left....why she cut all of us out of her life...I could help hyung and we could get back to normal.

"Finally," I smiled as Sehun left the dorms and got into a car. "Follow him." I told my driver. "Just make sure they don't see us."


Yoongi's Pov:
It had been 16 days since Y/N left and every trace of her was gone. Except for one.

"Eun-ji." I mumbled, opening the door to the guest bedroom.

The older woman glared daggers at me as I entered, her mouth pressed into a firm line.

"You ca-"

"Sit. Down."

For a second it seemed she would ignore me,  but quickly thought better of it and sat on the bed. It had been three days since we'd last met and she was already learning the value of being on my good side.


I stared at the middle aged woman shrinking against the wall under me.

"M-min-nim?!" She stuttered, her brown eyes showing only confusion and fear.

So she knows who I am.

"Where. Is. Y/N?" I asked again, anger building inside of me. It had been years since I'd felt this kind of all consuming rage, and I wasn't sure I could stop it. Or if I wanted to.

The woman flinched, like her instincts were already warning her, telling her to be careful around me. She shook her head quickly. "I don't know."

Wrong answer.

I slammed my palm into the wall beside her head making her shriek. "DON'T LIE TO ME!"

"I'M NOT!" She screamed, hot tears running down her face. "S-she didn't t-tell me."

I grabbed her chin and made her look at me. It was pathetic how quickly she got scared, Y/N would have punched me by now if I ever spoke to her this way.

But that's why my babygirl is so special, she's the only one who can match me.

"Then tell me what you do know."

"I...I c-can't." She hiccuped, clutching my hands. "I p-promised."

"Tch." I threw her away from me and blocked the doorway making sure she could read my face. If the eyes were the windows to the soul, then she was looking at hell. "Then stay here. Soon you'll see that a little promise can't keep tou alive."

With that, I slammed the door shut and locked it. "I'll be back later. Hopefully you'll be more cooperative...for your sake."

End Flashback

I lifted the bag of samgak-gimbap and smiled at her. "Hungry?"

Her eyes widened and she shot up, but I held it away from her and tsked. "You know what I want."

Eun-ji shook but her lip and started to cry. I knew she was famished. She hadn't eaten in the three days I'd been gone, but I also knew the kind of loyalty Y/N inspired in people. They wouldn't betray her so easily. While the older woman struggled with herself, I sat in a chair in front of the door and took one of the small snacks out.

"There are three," I grinned. "Decide how hungry you are..." I took a bit and hummed, making sure she could hear me. "Who knows when I'll be able to come back this week."

One. I took a bite. Two. Another bite. Th-

"STOP!" Eun-ji cried, lunging towards me, tears spilling down her cheeks. "P-please. I'm an old woman. P-please stop."

I smiled my signature gummy smile at her and shrugged. "Give me what I want, Eun-ji, and I'll feed you."

She shuddered and wrapped her thin arms around herself. "I can't t-tell you what I d-don't know, but I can give you one of her new addresses."

I threw one of the snacks at her and watched her devour it. When she had finished it, I held the the second one in my hand.

"Go on."

Eun-ji gulped and stared at the green triangle like it was a lost love. "She...she has two new apartments. One for work and a private residence."

I pulled the snack away and she whimpered.

"P-please. She only gave me the work apartment so I could stay there in an emergency. I don't know if she is there, but it's something!"

I threw the second triangle at her and stood up. "If you're lying to me..." I growled.

She shook her head again and bit into the seaweed wrap. "I'm not. You can even check my phone. It has the address under her company name."

I dropped the snack I'd partially eaten on the floor and left the room, making sure the door was locked behind me. As I stood there thinking of what to do with this new information, I was partially surprised to hear Eun-ji eating the last snack.


A/N: 안녕 🤗 What do you think? Do you like it? We're finally getting to the intense parts, but I have to warn you, Y/N is no weakling so I hope you're prepared for a ride 😁 Thank you for reading!! 🙇‍♀️ See you soon!💜💜💜

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