*150K Special: P... *

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A/N: 😐🤨🤔😗😙😚☺️🙂😏🙃😈🤭😂🤣🙈
Ask, and you shall receive (or I'll try to, anyway).

I present.... #Crack
You're welcome. 🙃 *Dances like Namjoon* 👾👾👾👾

ALSO 150K+ VIEWS?!?!😱😱😱😱😭😭😭😭😭🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 YOU GUYS!!! *uglycries* I love you. Thank you ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤💟💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💌❣🥰🥰🥰


Y/n's Pov:
It had taken several hours for the night's events to sink into my brain, and even though my body was currently wrapped up with Yoongi's, I was still in shock.

Carefully, so I wouldn't wake him, I slipped from his arms, pausing when he huffed unhappily before I padded quietly into the kitchen. Jet lag and our earlier celebratory activities called for a late night snack.

Preferably something with protein...I'm starving....


3rd Person Pov:
When Yoongi's hands found only a cool mattress where Y/'s warmth should have been, he cracked his eyes open and searched the room.

3rd Person Pov:When Yoongi's hands found only a cool mattress where Y/'s warmth should have been, he cracked his eyes open and searched the room

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Frowning unhappily, he curled into her pillow and waited. If she'd gone to the bathroom, she'd be back soon.

45minutes later....

Yoongi sat up and glared at the bedroom door he'd been staring down while he waited. Y/n hadn't returned, and now instead of cuddling under the covers with her, he was and wide awake. And alone. Again.

Grumbling, he lifted the sheets and dropped his feet into his slippers. Where the hell is she? The last thing he wanted was to be clingy, but ever since she'd left him after the mess with Joy, he couldn't stand having her out of his sight. Without her, he was edgy and nervous, and sleep was impossible. Too many nightmares to be considered "restful".

Yawning, he made his way down the hall towards the kitchen. Knowing her, if she wasn't in the bathroom, she'd be in the kitchen or the living room. His lips twisted into a smirk as he remembered their earlier rounds in bed. She's probably hungry. We did work up quite an appetite...

A dim light at the end of the hall told him he was right, someone was in the kitchen; but the murmur of quiet voices warned him it wasn't just Y/n. Curious, and a little insecure, he paused outside the doorway to listen. No matter how cool he acted in front of everyone else, any time she was away from him and with someone else without him, a small part of his heart worried that she was with the maknae. A soft giggle drifted out from the kitchen.

"Tae~" Y/n hushed, obviously trying to be quiet, "put it away!"


"Just taste it, then I'll put it back."

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