Operation: Forgive Me

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Joy's Pov:
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY LEFT?!" I screamed into the phone, not caring that other people were startled. "WHEN?!"

Eun-ji stuttered on the other end, upset with my sudden outburst. "I-I don't k-know!! They got into a f-fight and Min-nim took her. Jungkook-ssi was with t-them so I c-couldn't follow!"

Shrieking, I threw my phone to the ground and stomped on it, shattering the screen. How could this happen?! They were supposed to be mine tonight! I had everything ready. I WAS SUPPOSED TO GET RID OF Y/N TONIGHT!! Furious, I retrieved the mobile and snapped at Eun-ji.

"This is your fault!" Ignoring the whimpers coming from her, I took a deep breath and tried to control how loudly I spoke. "Go home and wait for me - and don't expect to eat. You're in so much trouble..." I hissed at her before hanging up.

"You might have gotten away tonight, Yoongi-ah, but you won't be so lucky next time." You or Y/n.


Turning around, I found Irene watching me nervously, a small frown bringing her eyebrows together.

"Wae?" My voice was sharper than it should have been but I couldn't help it. It was her problem for interrupting a private conversation.

"Ah...is everything okay?"

"Yae. Let's go sit down. BP will be on soon."


The Next Morning...

Y/N's Pov:
When I opened my eyes, I  groaned. My head was throbbing and my eyes hurt. Smacking my face, I remembered what had happened the night before and felt fresh tears sting my eyes.

No. I'm not crying anymore, damnit.

Grunting, I sat up in bed and froze. The floor was covered in flowers.  White and orange Lilies; Jasmine; red, white, and orange Roses  covered ever inch of space, while petals covered the bed.. and me.

What the fu.....

It looked like one of the boys' sets had exploded in my room, but it smelled divine. Frowning, I crawled to the edge of the bed and looked around. None of the flowers had thorns, which made them easy to pick up, but I had no idea where my slippers were under the mess. Carefully, I cleared a small path and made it to the door, my arms so full of flowers I couldn't see.

I swear to god, if Yoongi did this...I'll stab him with the damn stems....

Once outside. It only got worse. Small bags and packages beautifully wrapped formed a trail for me to follow down the hall.

"KOOKIE-AH!!! JIN-SSI!!! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?" I yelled, unable to walk anymore without tripping over something. Whatever this was, I was certain the person responsible wanted to kill me. Who puts packages in the hallways when the short person can't see what's in front of them?

No response.


Setting some of the flowers down, I carefully  moved the obstacles and entered the livingroom. It was empty.

Where is everyone? They didn't have practice today, right?

Nervous, I glanced behind me in case Yoongi was there, but his door remained shut. I told myself the pain I felt was because of last night, and not because I secretly wanted him to be standing there, smirking like he always did when he had something up his sleeve.

Slowly, I walked into the kitchen. "Jin-ssi?"



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