#20 Fire Of The Soul

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It always burns
It churns
It's turning and turning
Never ending churning.

It flares up into the sky
Its agitated soul eats away
All the events of today
Its smile is wry
It's having fun
It won't ever cry.

It lives in the core of my being
It's bulimic.

It's always eating
Chomping down on dreams and memories.

It turns my fingertips into ashes
With one soft touch

It's out of my control
It burns my mind
It burns my heart
It burns inside my soul.

Fire Of The Soul
It takes everything from me
It stops me from falling into the darkness
It keeps me alive

But it burns all I hold dear
With its touch

Fire of the Soul you make me smile
You're so funny that it hurts
You infest me with emotions
You violate my mind

Fire of the soul

What are you sculpting?

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