#26 Now

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The source of all discussions

The bearer of century-old arguments

The burdened down cities

The holder of all wealth

The writer of the future

We walk these roads
Have we paved them ourselves?
Have we paved them for us?

Who we are.
Who we will be.
Who we have been.

Three different people
Yet one all the same

They're all strangers
Who know each other —
Like intimate lovers

They are three musketeers
Who fight along side one another
They're like siblings
They are like switching seasons.

The Now can be more uncertain
Than the After

For the After is in the Now
The Now is in the After

They are together when they work
They are together when they happen

They are inseparable.
Focusing on the Now
Is focusing on the After.

Don't let the Now repeat the Before
or the Now will become the After.

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