#28 Reality Sphere

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Often enough everything is described as a bubble
A place of no struggle-
Or so they say.

Fantasy is a bubble;
The bubble of self, an escape from reality.

Reality must then be
The earth we walk on; a sphere.

A sphere of many bubbles
For in reality there are struggles
But eventually the bubble will pop
Because time was never one to stop

In this reality sphere
Our life is lived,
A beautiful experience,
Made of blood, sweat and tears.

A sphere is solid.
A bubble is not.
Stab it with a needle and it'll pop;
When reality comes close, its harshness more abrupt than the ringing of a clock.

Spherical like a wrecking ball,
That's reality -
Not luxurious gowns at a royal ball.

Princesses and princes all part of fantasy,
A childish giggle of a bubble

So quick to turn into rubble...

Reality sphere you're my sworn enemy as well as my best friend;
You slap me to reality,
You make me live in this shared world again
Instead of the fantasies I escape to
In my little bubble

Reality Sphere you flatten me down,
Stamp me to this world
And make me realise
That there are things to live for.

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