chapt 16

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Kallus tied the vines together into a net infront of ezra quietly and quickly. A minutes later its already 3 feet long.

"See easy" kallus said tying a longer vine to it then threw it into the river.

"Alright I'll give it a go then" ezra said grabbing the vines in the tree and started tying them together. Kallus pulled the net and there was a foot long fish in it. Kallus grabbed it by its tail and smiled at his prized lunch.

"I dont know why but it... It already looks so tasty" kallus said.

"Thats gross" ezra said finishing his net and held it up to kallus.

"This good" ezra asked.

"Yeah it looks great I'll get the fire started" kallus said.

"Fire" ezra asked.

"Im having mine roasted you dont want it like that you can cook it yourself" kallus said already walking away. He sat on a huge stone and pulled out his pocket knife. He gutted the fish open and threw its guts back into the river. He set the fish on a clean stone and walked near the trees lining gathering wood and sticks. He started moved the stick ontop of a piece of wood waiting patiently then a spark ignited into a small flame and he quickly put it underneath the sticks, blowing lightly making it grew abit bigger then left it as it grew more.

"Look at how many i caught" Ezra said coming up to him setting his net down showing four fishes squirming inside the net. Kallus looked at it amused and picked up. Usimg his pocket knife cutting the skin off his fish then cut the head off.

"You scare me sometimes" ezra said setting the net down and sat on the other stone next to kallus.

"What, here you already know how to prep" kallus asked holding up another pocket knife to ezra.

"Of course not" ezra answered as he pulled up his net to kallus. He grabbed one of the fish and held it up by its tail.

"You cut it open around its stomach right here then take the intestines out" kallus explained showing ezra where to cut.

"Why take the intestines out" ezra asked curious.

"Well we're not animal's, the intestines could make us sick so thats a bad idea to eat them" kallus Answered putting the fish back into the net. Kallus put his fish onto the sticks and set it near the fire.

" well thanks for telling me that" ezra said taking the pocket knife and slit the fishes stomach open then pulled the intestines out.

"This is gross" ezra said as he threw the intestines into the river.

"It will be worth it once its roasted" kallus replied shrugging. Ezra chopped off the fishes head and started cutting the meat off the fishes bones.

Minutes later
Kallus sat there eating his fish quietly then turned to see Ezra already cooking his second.

"Starving much" kallus asked raising a brow.

"Yeah" ezra answered back. Kallus only shook his head and continued eating. They see the ghost land next to the house.

"I aint getting up" kallus said then took another bite.

"Neither am i" ezra replied. They see zeb and kanan walked towards them stepping through the stones. Zeb sat next to kallus smiling.

"That smells good" zeb said.

"Make your own" kallus said then took another bite then took a bigger bite when zeb moved to take the stick.

"Alright just one though im hungry myself" zeb said. Kallus still held the stick then tugged it away from zeb.

"Well your in luck ezra caught four there's two right there" kallus said then took another bite.

"Sharings caring though please" zeb asked.

"Mwop" kallus said his mouth full. Kanan was already roasting his. 

"Fine i see how it is" zeb said taking the last fish. Ezra took his second one away from the fire and took a bite.

"Still good" ezra said then continued taking bites. Kallus finished his then threw the stick away.

"That was good" kallus said.

"Im gonna get more" ezra said already done with his second fish as he stood up with his net.

"More" kanan repeated raising a brow.

"That was his second one" kallus confirmed.

" well aint you starving" kanan said to him.

" shut up im hungry" ezra said as he left back to the river.

"So how was the run" kallus asked.

"It went well we're set for winter before the snow comes" kanan said.

"You and Your phobia against the cold" zeb said.

" i will forever not like the cold i will forever loathe it" kanan said back.

"I would ask why but i think you'd murder me in my sleep on my reaction" kallus said.

"Good instincts" kanan replied making kallus freeze and stare at him for a moment.

"Tempting now" kallus said.

"You guys conversations are so weird" zeb said breaking into the conversation also.

"With a jedi knight and ex ISB agent of course its going to be weird it'd be weirder if the lasat joined" kanan replied boredly as he grabbed his stick then took a bite from the fish.

"Did you find clothes that fit Amara" kallus asked changing the subject.

"Yeah sabine did she's putting her to sleep right now" kanan answered then taking another bite.

"Still cant believe you adopted her kallus" zeb said.

"We're going to be here for the next 6 months and sense im not being an informat for awhile" kallus replied shrugging.

"I still can't figure out why your always glowing" kanan said changing the subject.

"You mean you dont know" zeb asked.

"Well I've only ever seen it in woman who are expe- oh my god" kanan said as he brought the fish down.

"What do you know now" kallus asked.

"Here go ahead and tell ezra he can finish mine me and kallus got to talk in private" kanan said setting his fish down on a clean rock besides Ezra's seat as he stood up.

"Why are you suddenly acting weird" zeb asked. Instead of answering kanan pulled kallus along with him to inside the house. He brought him into the living room.

"Are you gonna explain something to me now" kallus asked.

"Im sorry theres no other nicer way to explain this without you freaking out" kanan said sitting down and rubbing his temples.

"Spit it out already" kallus said rolling his eyes.

"Your pregnant kallus" kanan said.

"W-WHAT" kallus yelled.

"Im sorry to break it down to you like this but its true i can sense it" kanan said.

"I dont be- i think im gonna be sick" kallus said gagging, he covered his mouth and quickly left towards the bathroom.

"This wasnt the reaction i was hoping for" kanan thought following after kallus.  He found him in the bathroom as he flushed the toilet.

"How can i be pregnant" kallus asked.

"Do i really have to explain how babies are made" kanan asked back crossing his arms.

"You know very well that its impossible for our kind" kallus said then paused.

"Am i even human then kanan i want you to run a blood test and also a pregnancy test if thats okay" kallus said.

"Alright then we gotta go to the medical bay on the ghost" kanan said.

"Its literally in your front yard" kallus deadpanned.

"Lets just go already" kanan said walking towards the front door. Kallus quickly followed behind.

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