Chapter 14

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Y'all sorry for not updating in...... (looks at the last time I updated).........

7 months? 

August, September, October, November, December, January, February.......

Hehe, sorry. 


Kally and Tyler hit it off very well. They became great friends in a span of two days; they texted constantly and they lived near each other. Although because Tyler was talking to the opposite gender, his extended family was joking and giving him a hard time about it.

Altogether it was harmless fun, and when the two met up after a couple days, the group followed him. Mostly they had wigs on and ridiculous makeup and outfits. Tyler hid his embarrassment for it although when he got home he yelled at them.

Even though some things were going well for Tyler, there were not for Luci. Ara had started acting different. She was distant to the group and constantly out. Luci's best friend was leaving, and turning into a shell of herself. Luci had talked to the girl, and she always go the same reply.

"I'm fine! Geez, stop thinking something wrong! Nothing is!" even though Luci knew something was wrong, she couldn't do anything about it. She called up Ademir.

Maybe Ara acting different had something to do with him.

"So, do you know what's up with Ara?" Luci asked when he showed up.

"No I don't, she hasn't returned my texts or calls I barely even see her. I'm worried." Luci's lead was dropped like that. Ademir left soon after.

This continued for a week. Ara would spitfire at anyone who noticed her mood, and honestly everyone got sick of it. Luci countless times asked if she could help but, all the same, she was yelled at.

Now, the group was meeting up seeing what they should do.

"I'm sad for her, but she's not letting us help and it seems as she's doing it for attention, if she wanted help she should've taken it, we've given her countless chances. We need to talk to her." Ademir was the first to speak up.

It was silent, they were all afraid to talk to her. Luci slowly raised her hand.

"I've known her the longest and I'm sick of her crap, I do believe it's the right thing to do." Luci stands up and makes her way to Ara's room.

The way to her room felt like forever, but Luci made it. The room was pitch black and the only thing Luci could see was Ara's face, being highlighted by her phone screen. Ara looked up to notice Luci, then looks back down and continues to scroll on her phone.

"We need to talk." Luci keeps it blunt.

Ara sets her phone down and narrows her eyes" I'm listening," she spreads her arms out to show she's there.

Although Luci can tell Ara's attitude is bratty she continues," A week, Ara a week! We have given you countless times to tell us whats wrong. We want to help you! You're my best friend and I don't understand why you're being like this!"

Ara rolled her eyes," Life, fucking sucks, can't you tell. I'm not happy, we moved here to be happy, and live our lives and I'm not,"

Not understanding, Luci watch Ara, waiting. 

"Well! aren't you gonna yell at me, telling me that I'm wrong! that nothing I do is going to be helpful, or something?!" Luci stood there, silently, watching her. 

Although on the inside Luci was dying. She couldn't help her friend, she knew that. Ara was most likely fighting something in her head, thoughts that took over. Ara felt alone.

"I-I haven't been there for you have I?" Luci looked down at her feet," I've been ignoring you, and just living my life and not even talking to you, right? Is that what you are trying to say?"

Ara shook her head," You wouldn't understand, You have everything, and friends and people to talk to, you're nothing like me." Ara got up and make her way to the bedroom door," I'm going out, see you."


Ara spun around, surprised. Luci normally wasn't the one to yell. 

"No," Luci's voice raised as if she was going into hysterics." We've done everything for you, we've included you, talked to you, helped you. I don't understand, what's wrong? just a week ago you were fine! FINE! We noticed your change, we asked about it, tried to help you. This week, you've turned into a shell."

"I don't want to be here. I want to leave, live my own damn life and not have you here." Ara spit out. 

Luci smiled, just a little, a sad smile though," can I help? Do you want me to move out? or leave you alone for a few weeks? I could always live in a motel for a while until you're okay?"

"No," Ara stood there emotionless. 

Luci dropped her smile," What do you mean? This friendship isn't good enough, was I not good enough?" tears cascade down her face.

"Maybe it was, we bought a house together, and we made amends together, we were sisters, but all friends come to an end, it right now, it's our time." Ara responded, "I'll leave, you live this happy joy ride of a life. Acting as every day is gonna spark something new. Maybe I'll leave the city, change my name. But here, is where I don't want to be," Ara spat.

The two broken girls made eye contact. A single tear slipped out of Ara's eye.

Luci took a step and took in a breath, calming her tears," I knew this would happen. I always knew it would lead to here," she walked around the room," but here! After all these years, I have tried to be the better friend. I tried to know where everything was leading! I stay up for countless nights waiting for you to come home after parties going into the dead of night!" Luci's voice rose," but here, it was a new start, we made it. We have friends, a family. You have a boy wrapped around your finger," she cut herself off.

"I can't say I respect you or even understand you. But I hold my place. But don't come crawling back to me when," She pointed her finger at Ara," something bad happens because I've given you chances all this week."

Ara turned and walked to her room, packing up a duffle bag. Making a mental note to stop by when no one is around, to pick up everything else. And she turned and left. 

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