A Positive Outlook

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Dear Journal,

The day passed by endlessly and we all tried brainstorming to try to figure out who this "vampire" was. Emmett and Jasper left earlier to try and track the footprints to someone but came up empty. Alice tried looking for the future of the visitor but came up empty because she had no idea who he was. Reneesme just looked at us worried all the time while playing with Rosalie and it made my heart ache. Edward and Jake tried talking to Seth also to get a better description of the vampire and came out with not much help either.

"I'll keep running the perimieter to make sure everything is on the up an up," Jake declared. "He won't sneak up on us again." This made me hopeful but also worried for my best friend. He looked at me with painful but fierce eyes. I knew something was still bothering him but there was so much more going on right now that I tried not to think about it.

The vampire was obviously very strong to get a handle on Seth like that but he would of been suprised by the attack and taken off guard. There were alot of us and only one of him, or were there? It could be possible that there was one or a whole army like Victoria had done before. This news was no news to anyone else because they already went through all of the possible outcomes and most of them were frightening enough.

To make matters worse Valentines Day was coming up and everyone was planning elaborate celebrations for their loved other half. Edward gave me dazzling looks that melted me where I stood and wouldn't stop asking me what I wanted for that special day.

"I have you already and that's all I will ever need," I expressed to him. He'd pick me up gingerly and place his full lips on mine and kiss me so passionately. Once he put me down he'd smile and say I know what I'll get you.

"Don't we have enough going on with this this new vampire parading around Forks?, I asked.

"Please don't worry love, he whispered in my ear, you will always be safe with me" and I believed him, I always have.

Dawn fell upon us with no word of any disturbances at all and I started thinking to myself as I sat on the couch brushing Reneesme's bronze hair. Maybe, just maybe he was passing through and never has seen a wolf before, got very frightened and attacked. That seemed very plausible and I relayed it to Edward.

"Bella, I think that you may of come up with quite an interesting theory," Carlisle said. "Let's hope that's what it is and let's try not to worry so much anymore about it."

Hearing Carlisle say that brought me more happiness. I was always so peaceful and believing in what he said because he to me is the most smartest vampire here. With that I looked at Edward and smiled. He came over to the couch, kissed my lips softly and scooped up Reneesme. We retreated to our peaceful cottage in pure bliss.

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