Chapter 1 Hopelessly Devoted

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Sayori's POV:

I sighed to myself as I hoisted my backpack up onto my shoulder and eyed my highschool with sadness. This was a place of my worst demons. Though I have a lot of demons lately.
"Move loser!" Someone shoved past me and I backed away slightly, trying to keep my balance.
"Ha sorry, totally my fault, have a good day!" I try to kill people with kindness, but well it's not always successful and sometimes I wonder if this will be my downfall one day. Though not that I really care about myself that much.
   "Move it!" Someone else snapped shoving me into the door.

"Excuse me please." I yelp diving to the side. The girl who stars in my dreams and many of my nightmares and some of my fantasies is staring at me, her green eyes are like two big emeralds shining in the sunlight. She leans closer and I stiffened, trying not to smell her or do anything to ruin this. "You okay?" She whispered softly and I couldn't speak, literally it was like my tongue was made of lead and was making it unable to speak. Instead I just made a quiet squeaking noise.

I bet you're wondering who this girl is, and why I'm so in love with her? Well her name is Monika, Monika Salvato, she's the most unattainable and popular person in the whole school, everyone wants her or wants to be her. I just wanted her to know me, I mean she was so beautiful and I know she's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy out of my league like on a whole other planet, but that can't stop how I feel though.

"What are you staring at Sayori?" Natsuki questions waving her hand in front of my face. I sharply inhale a deep breath and look around wildly. Monika was just here, swear she was, I was blocking the door accidentally and everything. Obviously I had freaked her out and she found a different door. Natsuki shook her head at me. MC was standing next to her smirking teasingly at me.

Natsuki and Mc had been my friend for years, Natsuki lived four houses away and MC lived next door. They were my closest friends and we told each other everything....well almost everything. But we had been through everything together too. Like MC and Natsuki knew I was shamelessly gay and preferred girls to boys, and that Natsuki was the same way, but we were too much like sisters for there to ever be any sort of attraction ever. Or that MC could be a bit dim sometimes and couldn't tell when a girl was attracted to him.

"Actually I think I distracted her." Monika exclaimed from behind me, I jumped, knocking MC over as we tumbled down the stairs and lay sprawled out on the cement.
"Oh my gosh are you two okay?" Monika exclaimed and Natsuki snorted.
"They're fine, Sayori is always clumsy so they're use to it. She's always knocking into someone or something." She deadpanned and I pouted at her, she was so not helping my cause with looking good in front of Monika.

   "Unfortunately she's correct, though it's usually me, Sayori's plowing over." MC joined in and I sighed. They were doing this on purpose.  I twiddled my thumbs together and laughed nervously. I felt like my good day was unraveling quickly. Then Monika skipped down the stairs and held out her hands to us. She pulled MC up then me.

   "Even still you should be careful." She instructed looked back and fourth between the three of us. Maybe it was just my imagination but I could've sworn her gaze flicked back to me a few times.
   "Monika !" Suddenly Natsuki's face was bright red and she was hopping down the stairs to hide behind me, her fingers were digging into my shoulders. Because as much as I was hopelessly devoted to Monika, Natsuki was the same way with Yuri, Monika's cousin.

   "Yuri hey did you get the flyers printed out?" Monika asked stepping away from us to join the tall purple haired girl with the shy smile.
   "Yes I..." She trailed off when she caught sight of us. Monika looked back at us before she took Yuri's hand and disappeared into the school without so much as a goodbye or anything.

   "You two are hopeless." MC said with a shake of his head and Natsuki elbowed him in the stomach.

To Be Continued...
So there it is, the new book I hope you all like it !!!

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