Chapter 29 Sorry Not Sorry

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Sayori's POV:

I was insane,  though I guess that's why I was in the hospital in the first place, but I had to do this. Everyone always saw me as weak, pathetic and a pushover.  Well I wasn't going to be a doormat anymore! Or well this time at least.

    Escaping the hospital was surprisingly simple. Unplugged a couple  machines, slipped on some casual clothes, rode the service elevator down a couple floors and pretended I was visiting the elderly and escaped out the doors.  Thankfully Monika was in the bathroom at the time. Plus she's slowed down by her crutches so there's that going for me too.

  I started down the street,  ducking into alleyways and hiding behind garbage cans and parked cars everytime I saw a car that looked like my mom's or dad's or Yuri's. I had to get to my street. I was doing this. No backing out now. Natsuki has always been there for me, it was time I repaid her. My phone vibrated when I wasn't even halfway there.  I hesitantly looked at my phone, clicking it open as I hid in an alleyway.  It was a text from Monika.

  Sayori  Rubia Hara,  where are you?

  How did she know my midde name? I frowned looking around the corner down the street,  a few random people gave me weird looks but other than that nobody I knew was around. I don't know what I was expecting,  Monika to ninja jump from the building I was leaning against and rugby tackling me to the ground and dragging me to the hospital.  I debated texting her back or not. Not meant an angry Monika and angry Monika scared me just a little.

  Would you believe I'm in the cafeteria?

I quickly sent it and pulled up my hoodie, tightening the drawstrings, I took a deep breath and started back on the sidewalk. I just had to keep my head down and avoid eye contact with others. My phone buzzed again.

Hilarious Sayori, but seriously where are you?

I smirked at her concern, because come on the most beautiful and popular girl at my school was worried about me. I quickly typed out a reply.

  What about I turned invisible?

I pocketed my phone and continued on, putting my cold hands into my pockets. I shuffled in place waiting for the crosswalk light to turn. Some boy with a bandanna and way too big pants is dancing in place next to me. I awkwardly avoid eyecontact, that is a conversation I do not need, or want to have.
  "Hey cutie." He smirks and I  smile politely.
  "Hello " I said quietly dancing in place. Turn light please turn. It turns and I all but run across those white rectangles and then duck into the first store I walk past to avoid the guy. I glance at my phone as I sit down at a circular table of some ice cream place. Four missed messages from Monika, one from my mom, three from Tammy.

  Sayori this isn't funny anymore? Where the hell are you?

Seriously Sayori I'm really worried

Sayori please I'm here for you,  just tell me where you are!

Sayori I'm scared, please tell me where you are?

   Aww Monika I hated to make her worry but I had to do this, I swipe my eyes and check my other messages.

Sayori baby call me, tell me where you are please?

My mom, I felt so bad, but she was probably tracking my phone,  I had to get there now! I can't keep stopping to answer texts. I quickly check the ones from Tammy.

Sayori this better be a joke, you better have not left the hospital like mom said.

Sayori Rubia Hara,  if you don't text me back you'll regret it little sister that I guarantee!

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