Chapter 7: Best of Both Worlds

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Sayori's POV:

   "Five best things you like about yourself go!" Monika exclaimed and I blinked in shock, looking around for Natsuki but she was escaping out the door with Yuri, water pitcher in hand. MC avoided eye contact pretending to be reading a comic book. Brat.

  "Um...why?" I asked and Monika put one hand on her hip and pointed the other at me.
   "Because if this is a joke then I want to know how you really feel about yourself. And as club president I want to make sure you are simply joking." Her green eyes flashed and I gulped

   "I have a face...that's not as ugly as it could be, um my arms, though pasty aren't like too long for my body, the um uniform I wear isn't as -"
   "Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop." Monika waved her arms around in exasperation and I frowned looking up at her in confusion.
   "What? What's wrong?" I asked smiling innocently. She scoffed loudly, pinching her nose tightly before she looked up at me sharply.

"Those are horrible compliments!" She exasperated sternly and I shrugged, forcing a bright smile. Monika's hands were clenched tightly into fists, which were pressed into her hips. "Sayori if that's how you see yourself then you should know that you're wrong." She whispered softly after a few deep breaths.

   "Fine, my eyes are pretty, I have moveable joints, I'm healthy, my teeth are straight, and my hair color's nice...I guess." I stated just wanting her to drop this subject before she eventually hit the nail on the head and realized something not even my dearest friends knew about me. Monika stared at me, her green eyes reflecting the luminescent lights in the school, her gaze was penetrating.
   "That's a good start, however, starting tomorrow along with your poem I also want you to compliment yourself five times." She turned on her heel and strutted over to MC and sat down next to him.


  "I thought you were joking?" I murmured shocked and slightly dismayed when Monika approached me after poem sharing that next day. Monika stood in front of me, looking at me expectantly.
   "Dear Sayori whatever gave you the impression that I was joking?" She smiled wickedly and I knew this woman was going to be the absolute death of me, " Go ahead I'm listening?" She sat back on the desk nearest to her and looked up at me a twinkle in her eye as she watched me expectantly.

I totally thought she'd forget or was joking about the whole five compliments a day thing? How was I supposed to do that she was serious? This was torture! I knew I should have followed my instincts and not joined this club.

   "Um...I..." Monika interrupted me with a grin that sent shivers down my spine and throughout my whole body.
   "No repeats of what you've already said." She stated firmly and I inwardly groaned. I smiled at her. Maybe I could pull a dear Evan Hanson say what I like about Monika but pretend I'm talking about myself..
No that's stupid.

  "You go first!" I challenged without thinking and Monika stood up, at first I stupidly thought she was going to leave, but then she leaned close to me, smiling seductively she stated confidently.
   "My hips don't lie, I'm a killer pianist, I'm a talented writer, my singing voice is great, and I have long luscious hair." She smiled coyly at me before she returned to her seat gesturing for me to continue.

No fair all of what she said was true! Plus Monika's good at everything she does! What am I good at besides annoying people?!
  "Um..I have nice complexion..." I trailed off after I couldn't think of anything else. Monika looked at me expecting something more as she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at me. "Umm I wear pink sometimes blue shirts, I always wear a red bow...." I started and Monika interrupted me with a low growl.

  "Sayori!" She said sounding infuriated as she stood from the chair once more.

  "What? I was doing it?!" I whined slightly as I pouted and Monika sighed placing her hands on my shoulders.
   "You were just listing your clothes. If you said I look hot in a red bow then it would have counted, however you did not so you're still at one!" She crossed her arms and I avoided her gaze because she said I looked hot...sure it was most likely metaphorically speaking but still it was making me turn red. Ha red as my bow!

   "The uniform looks nice on me, my poems are okay, I'm an okay big sister..." I trailed off and Monika smiled at me and was grinning.
    "And?" She sang gesturing to my bow. I blushed deeply, she did not want me to... She nodded as if reading my mind.
   "And Ilookhotinmyredbow!" I slurred rushing to get the words out as fast as possible. Monika laughed softly and nudged me with her hip.
  "Great job Sayori, though tomorrow no using the words nice or okay. Be confident know you're great to feel you're great!" She turned on her heel strutting over to Yuri as she accepted a cup of tea.

This was painful.


   "I'm at my wit's end Nat!" I groaned my face pressed against my pillow as my best friends listened to my struggles.
   "At least she's giving you some attention!" Natsuki Chuckled lowly and I threw a pillow at her head.
   "Seriously what should I say tomorrow because I'm out of fake compliments?!" I groaned. Natsuki put the pillow in her lap and rolled her eyes at me as I glanced at them from the corner of my eye.
   "You only had ten lame ass compliments for yourself?" Natsuki deadpanned dryly and I sighed.
   "Technically I only had nine, she forced me to say the tenth one." I whined and Natsuki just continued to laugh at my expense. MC straightened in his seat at my desk and grinned at me.

  "Well you're a good friend, you're loyal, dependable, kind and sweet." MC piped up and I chuckled at him before I bounced off the bed and wrapped my arms around him.
   "You're the absolute best!"

To Be Continued....

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