Chapter 27 This is Me

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Sayori's POV :

   I scratch the bruise on my neck, I'm sick of being here, I've been here a week almost and it's irritating. I yawn flicking through the same ten channels. I honestly just wanted to be home,  you know mope in my own bed. I was sick of looking at the same white walls, brown curtains and white tiled floors.

The only good thing that came from it was Yuri and Monika's visits. Especially Monika, she'd come in on her crutches, her arm was out of its splint and she was happy about that.

  "When you get out of here Sayori I have something to tell you!" That's all she said, so I guess I had something to look forward to when I was finally released from here. Seeing Monika almost everyday was like a dream come true.

Natsuki hadn't visited me, she wasn't at school either, according to Yuri.  I was worried about my best friend. Apparently so was Yuri. I mean she was getting texts from Natsuki but she was MIA otherwise. I was so excited to hear that her and Natsuki were girlfriends. It gave me something else to be happy about. Even though I was still concerned about my friend, and her whereabouts.

I hear overexcited footsteps rushing down the hallway and then the door to my room opens and in runs my little sister. I smile, her blonde locks were pulled up into pigtails and she was wearing purple overalls. She smiles at me brightly and thrusts a few stacks of paper at me. Tammy chuckles stepping into the room, she hugs me quickly and kisses my forehead.
   "Mom will be back to pick the little terror up in like two hours." She ruffles my hair and then kisses Cassie's cheek and waves before she disappears out the door.

A/N: my little siblings drew these for me 😁 well the six year old did the people and my little eleven year old cousin added the detail and made my four year old brother's scribbles into a tree and house XD

      I smile as I shuffle through the pictures, Cassie leaned over my shoulder explaining every picture to me in detail.
   "See here's me and that's you, see we're wearing the dresses grandma made us." She pointed and I smiled at the drawing.

    "Looks good sissy, you even added my bow!" I praised and she scoffed scooting closer,  she took off her shoes climbing up on the bed next to me as she snuggled into my side

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    "Looks good sissy, you even added my bow!" I praised and she scoffed scooting closer,  she took off her shoes climbing up on the bed next to me as she snuggled into my side.

   "Duh you without a bow would be weird," she deadpanned and I giggled at her antics. "See that's you, me and Tammy! I gave us all red stuff so we'd match, but Tammy said she looks like she's wearing heather's scrunchie , but I don't know what that means." She admitted and I cuddled her close, it felt nice to be sitting here with her, listening to her little happy chatter.

   "Its from an old movie, that's now a musical

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   "Its from an old movie, that's now a musical. " I explained playing with her beautiful blonde hair. Cassie sniffs and clutches me tighter. Her head is resting against my shoulder.
   "Oh " she murmurs nuzzling closer to me and clutching my shirt.
  "What's this one?" I question pulling out the drawing with the tree on it. Cassie beamed at me brightly.

   "That's grandma's house, you know daddy's mommy, see there's her house and the tree we climb and the tire swing

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   "That's grandma's house, you know daddy's mommy, see there's her house and the tree we climb and the tire swing.  See Sayori see!?" She pointed to each carefully drawn part of the picture and I nodded.

  "You captured the likeness well Cass." I praised and she beamed.
   "I couldn't remember her house color though. " she admitted biting her lower lip. Something I actually shared with my sister, we all bit our lips when we were  upset or over thinking something.
    "Hey I think grandma would've liked her house to be that color." I encouraged
and suddenly Cassie burst into tears wrapping her arms around me tightly.
   "I don't want you to go away like grandma did S-sayori!" She sobbed burying her little face in my neck. "Grandma went to the hospital and never came back." She sobbed brokenheartedly  into me, dampening my neck.

  "Hey, I'm not going anywhere you silly goose, you can't get rid of me that easily." I teased rubbing her back gently, trying to make her feel better. She sniffed sitting back she looked at me intently her lower lip  was in an adorable pout.
   "You promise? " she questions, her expression is dead serious and I lean close booping her nose, making her giggle slightly.

   "Cross my heart Cass." And surprisingly I meant it. Cassie hugged me, snuggling into my side, then pulled another paper from the stack.
   "Good, look that's you me and Natsuki!" She beamed and I laughed a real good natured kind of laugh. I hadn't felt this good in such a long time.
   "I'm sure Natsuki will love it!"

I was half asleep sitting in my room, watching TV after Cassie left

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I was half asleep sitting in my room, watching TV after Cassie left. I smiled at all the pictures Cassie had taped to the walls. We had colored for a little while together.

I was so bored then the curtain swoops to the side and Natsuki stumbles into the room

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I was so bored then the curtain swoops to the side and Natsuki stumbles into the room. My heart drops instantly.
   "Natsuki what happened to you?" I exclaimed in shock. She laughed hoarsely. 
   "that's a long story!"

To Be Continued...

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