Chapter 11 Save Myself

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A/N: You've probably figured it out by now that every chapter is a title to a song 😂 also MC took over Natsuki's chapter so it's ....

Sayori's POV:

   Mondays were my absolute least favorite day. Well everyday was my least favorite day but I mean Mondays were even worse though. I had to be extra cheerful...I wasn't really in the mood for literature club but I mean I had already missed Friday so what other choice did I have. I trudged to the room begrudgingly, late and feeling miserable. I plastered a smile on my face and pushed open the door.

  "Sayori!" I was surprised to be lifted into a tight hug. I couldn't tell who it was, but they were clutching me extremely close. My face was pressed tightly into their shoulder. The hug lasted a really long time before finally they pulled back and I nearly combusted. Monika framed my face with her hands. Yup I was so going to die, right here right now. "Sayori where were you Friday?!" She whispered tilting her head to the side making her hair fall to one side. I shrugged taking in her concerned expression.

  "I slept said I could skip..." It wasn't a total lie, I just left out the part about how I was too depressed to even lift my head to answer my phone, let alone get up, get dressed and walk to school.
   "Why didn't you answer your phone when MC called?" She whispered and I shrugged again...excuse what excuse could I use.
   "My little sister Cassie came home, we baked cookies and watched TV, I left my phone upstairs." Okay that part utter lie. Cassie slept over at a friend's house, but I mean Monika didn't know that. Monika frowned at me before she finally withdrew her hands and stepped back.

  "I thought Cassie was at my house yesterday, you know hanging with my little sister Nikki?" He asked and I could've killed him. Gah butt out MC, why does he have to be dense as a brick sometimes...well most of the time...okay almost all the time? Monika grabbed my arm pulling me to the back of the classroom, her grip tight and I looked back at Yuri.

  "Help me!" I mouthed and Yuri smiled sipping her tea as she sat crossed legged next to MC, book resting between the two of them. MC waved and I pouted, thanks a lot MC.

  "Why'd you lie to me?" Monika crossed her arms, her eyebrows furrowed and her expression hurt and concerned and I felt awful.
   "I'm sorry...I just misplaced my phone yesterday-"
   "Stop it!" She snapped and I cringed slightly, though I managed to keep smiling, from years of experience.
   "Stop what silly?" I reasoned and she glared at me intently.
   "You keep lying to me! Do you think I'm stupid?" She demanded and I pressed my fingers together nervously.

  "No, you're really smart..." And pretty I thought but didn't say. Monika rubbed her temples and stepped closer to me, instinctively I stepped back.
   "Then tell me what you were really doing Friday." She demanded firmly. I looked down at my hands, what did I say? My lies always worked...they worked with my mom, my older sister, my younger sister, with MC and Natsuki...they especially worked with my absentee dad...why was Monika so different?

  "I don't want to say." I murmur letting my smile falter slightly. This was making me one has ever been this attentive towards me.
   "Sayori." Monika whispered softly as her hand touched my shoulder. 

when the club door opened and Natsuki shuffled through the doorway. She was clutching a tray of cookies and I, using the distraction rushed to greet her.
   "Hey Nat, are those for us? Can I have one? Are you feeling better today?" I bounced over, quickly replacing my smile and Natsuki snorted at my antics.
  "Chill Sayori, why else would I bring cookies? To stare at them?" She demanded sitting the tray on a desk. Yuri stood dropping the book into MC's lap.

  "Are you feeling better today Natsuki?" She whispered kindly and Natsuki frowned.
   "What?" She muttered in confusion. Yuri's expression darkened considerably.
   "You said you were sick Friday." Her purple eyes were brimming with something I didn't recognize. I subtly stepped away from my friend.

  "Sayori, so how about those cookies?" Natsuki was trying to hide her red face. I swiftly grabbed as many as I could and retreated to a far corner.

"By the way Natsuki, Sayori I invited Yuri and Monika to our friends sleepover!" MC exclaimed and I choked on my bite of cookie.
  "Great!" I'll kill him.

To Be Continued ....


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