Chapter 24 If We Were a Movie

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Natsuki's POV:

    I was so edgy and nervous,  then I got a call from some hospital saying they had Sally and Moni, but then Yuri explained that it was most likely Monika and Sayori. So here I sat with my uh...friend...then again most friends didn't kiss on the lips...twice... but I mean Yuri  was ashamed of it. She wouldn't be sitting a whole seat away and hid me from her mom, if she wasn't. 
      "Natsuki ..." Yuri whispered and I ignored her, staring at the nurse behind the desk willing him to give me any news on my friends, so I wouldn't have to talk feelings with Yuri. Yuri nudged me and I glowered over at her.
    "Excuse me, Sally is awake now so you two can come back now. " the nurse called out. Yuri glared at me and I stood from my seat following after the  nurse, a little too quickly.
   "Natsuki!" Yuri grabbed my arm and I tried to pull away but she pulled me into her side instead. "I'm talking to you." She hissed into my ear and I rolled my eyes.
   "I can hear you, I'm trying to follow the nurse." I grumbled and she runs her hand up my back and I shiver. "Don't do that " I exclaimed my voice raising in volume against my will as I  try to suppress my giggles. Yuri smiles at me as if she has no idea what I'm talking about. I glare at her before I start after the  nurse again.  Yuri follows just behind me,  when the nurse stops at another station Yuri settles behind me before doing it again, I feel her nails rake up my back tickling my sensitive and admittedly ticklish skin and I squeal in shock.  "Yuri!" I hiss when the nurse looks back at us in confusion.  Yuri smiles at her innocently and she grabs a clipboard and continues on.
   "I know what you're thinking..." she whispered and I glared at her once again.
    "That you're annoying?" I grumble but don't mean, and Yuri leans down and kisses my cheek.
    "Maybe that's what you're thinking now, but you were previously thinking that I don't care about you. " she whispered softly and I stopped mid step again feeling flustered.
   "And what you do care?" I whispered and Yuri starts off after the nurse quickly.

  "'re one of the people I care most for." She whispered then disappeared into the room the nurse stopped at.
   "Damn it Yuri!" I snapped following her into the room.

I stopped midstep, Yuri was frozen in place too. Her eyes were wide and her expression horrified. I followed her gaze. Monika was sound asleep, though she had a splint on her shoulder and a cast on her foot. Sayori was wide awake, running her bandaged fingers through Monika's hair. Sayori, my best friend's eyes were dark and hollow, there was a deep bruise around her neck, she had oxygen tubes on her nose.  It was like someone had taken my peppy friend and put a gray filter over her, or drained her color.

   "Nat, Yuri." She whispered tiredly, her tone dull and lifeless. I felt tears blurring my vision. This was wrong, this was all so wrong!
   "Sayori pardon my forward nature, but what the hell happened here?" She demanded approaching them slowly as she approached her cousin and nudged her shoulder. Monika's response took me by surprise.  She whimpered wrapping her good arm around Sayori's waist and burying her face in my friend's side.
   "No Sayori ...mmm... no" sayori's response was shocking as well. She reacted quickly, wrapping her arm around Monika's body and pulling her close and used her other hand to stroke her hair.
    "Shh Moni, shh it's okay.." she whispered softly before she looked up at Yuri and me. She looked hesitantly at monika then back up at us. Monika whimpered again and shook her head back and forth. "Monika I'm okay...relax...monika.." suddenly green eyes shot open and Monika sat up with a  gasp, then winced in pain.
   "Stupid shoulder!" She growled rubbing the tears from her eyes. "Sayori?" She looked over frantically and Sayori brushed her cheek gently with her finger.
   "I'm okay Monika,  I'm alive." She promised and Monika smiled in relief. Both of them are  tired I can tell by the dark circles under their eyes. Then I register what exactly Sayori said.

  "What do you mean by that Sayori?" I whisper and Monika's smile fades.  Sayori sighed bitterly and shuffled in her bed.
    "I'm sorry,  sorry I put you all through this..." she whispers dejectedly and Monika leans her head against Sayori.
   "It's okay Sayo, take your time." She whispered gently.  I shared a look with Yuri and then looked back at our friends.
   "Sayori you're my best can tell me anything you dummy. " I promised fearing her answer and Sayori looked at me like a kicked puppy who just got sprayed by a car in the rain.

   "I...ever since... since parents d-divorce I've... had ...severe it's only...gotten worse since  then...yest...   yesterday... yesterday was so hard.....I...I was feeling so down... then Monika and I fought   ...the rainclouds...were all over...then Annie....I had ...the noose for awhile... I just...I didn't want to be al... " her eyes are downcast and recognizable.  Tears are trailing down all our faces. I feel like a failure. Here I was calling myself her best friend and I didn't know. I didn't know any of this.
  "How could you even consider doing that?" I sobbed and Sayori looked stricken.
   "N-nat-suk-ki I'm sorry!" She hiccuped frantically.  I shook my head throwing myself at my friend as I sobbed.
   "No I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I wasn't a good friend to you, I'm sorry!" Sayori looked startled as she slowly wrapped me in a hug, resting her head on mine.
  "It's not your fault, Natsuki my mom and dad doesn't even know." Monika cursed suddenly.
   "I forgot to call home last night." She exclaimed and Yuri scoffed.
   "You think Sally?" She mocked and Sayori smirked as I sat back rubbing my eyes.
   "Yuri I'm not Sally Sayori was." Monika whined rubbing her eyes with her one hand as her and Yuri start to bicker softly.

  "What does this mean for you Sayori?" I whisper fearfully and Sayori deflates slightly.
    "I'm gonna be here awhile, um...then I'm probably going to need therapy, medication,  but I'll be out before you know it. " she tries to force a smile but it falters and she looks down tearfully.
   "Hey its okay, we're all here to support you,  and help you get better." I encourage taking her hands and she smiles slightly. 
   "Th-hanks... " she looks down and Monika quickly wraps her arm around her.
   "You're not a burden Sayori, you need this   to get better, I promise I'll help you anyway I can." She promises and Sayori sniffs rubbing her eyes again.
   Then the door opens.
"Yuri? Monika?" We all turn seeing Yuri's mom standing in the doorway I cringe when her eyes land on me."Natsuki?" She demands lowering her clipboard and looking to her daughter sharply and Yuri lowers her gaze.

   "By the way Monika what happened to you?" I whisper and she looks proudly at me.
   "I broke down a two doors." She whispered with a shrug.
    "Do you four have any idea what you all put your parents through?" Lily demanded and I shrug, my dad was probably passed out drunk,  Yuri started to back away slightly and her mom looked at her sharply "You're most certainly included Yuri Airi Tanaka. Go sit outside and call your father now!"  Yuri blushed heavily and slipped out the room.

  "I'm so dead." She groaned.

To Be Continued....

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